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showing 1 to 4 of 4 results.

1. Besançon 865 (44 r) 2-166 [ name: person ]

La furent ruéz jus de cop de glaives Robert de Hanget, cousin au seigneur, et Jehan de Mondigus et Guillaume de Lansnoy et encores cinq ou six, et furent tantost enclos, et les convint rendre prisonniers ou pis finer. L

2. Translation of Book II (44 r) 2-166 [ name: person ]

obert de Hangest, the lord's cousin, was brought down there with lance blows, and Jean de Montigny, Guillaume de Lannoy, and five or six others were immediately surrounded and were forced to give themselves up, or meet

3. Prospography Content: Guillaume de Lannoy (person)

Guillaume de Lannoy Guillaume de Lannoy, knight of Flanders.

4. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (52 v) 2-166 [ name: person ]

Robers de Hangiers, cousins au signeur, et Jehans de Mondigni et Guillaume de Launay et encorez V ou VI, et furent tantos enclos, et lez convint rendre prisonniers ou pis finer. Ly sir