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1. Besançon 865 (45 v) 2-168 [ rs: person ]

au conte de Savoye, au conte de Bloys le conte Jehan, au duc de Guerles, au duc de Julliers, au conte d’Armignach, au conte de Foix. Le duc de Bar, le duc de

2. Valenciennes 638 (2 v) 1Am-2 [ rs: person ]

de ses deux filles, l’une eut li conte de Cleves. Et l’autre le conte de Jullers. E

3. Brussels IV 1102 (39 v) 2-168 [ rs: person ]

, au conte de Savoye, au conte de Blois, au duc de Juilliers, au duc de Guerles, au conte d’Armegnac, au conte de Foix, au duc de Bar

4. Translation of Book II (45 r) 2-168 [ rs: person ]

count of Savoy, to the count of Blois, count Jean, to the duke of Guelders, to the duke of Juliers, to the count of Armagnac, and to the count of Foix. The duke of Bar, the

5. Prospography Content: Robert of Namur (d. 1391) (person)

childless. In 1371 Robert was marshal of the duke of Brabant for the military campaign against the duke of Juliers and was taken prisonner during the Battle of Baesweiler, where he may have commanded the vanguard.

6. Prospography Content: Edward, duke of Guelders (d. 1371) (person)

eir sister, Marie of Gueldres, as the heir to the dukedom. Therefore Froissart must be referring to William of Juliers, the husband of Marie of Gueldres as the duke of Gueldres.

7. Prospography Content: William VI, duke of Juliers and Guelders (d. 1393) (person)

William VI, duke of Juliers and Guelders (d. 1393) William VI, duke of Juliers. He married Marie, duchess of Gueldres. In the version of Book I preserved in the Amiens and Valenciennes manuscripts, Froissart states that Marie’s husband was count of Berg, which is incorrect.

8. Prospography Content: Marie of Guelders, countess of Juliers (person)

s that she was a daughter of Reginald’s second marriage to Eleanor of Woodstock. She was married to William VI of Juliers. Arnould de Clerk Arnould de Clerk or A

9. Prospography Content: Sophie of Mechelen (person)

half-brothers; a younger daughter Marie, whom Froissart called ‘Jeanne’ in Book III, was married to William VI of Juliers and also claimed the duchy. Sophie died in 1329. Jean Baerten, ‘

10. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (53 v) 2-168 [ rs: person ]

duc Aubiert, au conte de Savoie, au conte de Blois, le conte Jehan, au duck de Gerllez, au duc de Jullers, au conte d’Erminach, au conte de Fois. Ly dus de Bar, ly dus de Lor