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1. Besançon 865 (69 r) 2-211 [ rs: person ]

s sus un port de mer en la conté de Barquesiere et s’en vint la tout premier et emmena avecques luy sa femme, madame Ysabel, et son filz Jehan, et estoit son entencion telle, et il l’accomply, que il les menroit en Portinga

2. Translation of Book II (67 v) 2-209 [ name: person ]

between them, and principally on account of two ladies, the daughters of king Pedro, Constanza and Isabel, who were married in England, the former to the duke of Lancaster and the latter to the earl of Cam

3. Translation of Book II (69 r) 2-211 [ name: person ]

ons at a sea port in the county of Berkshire [sic]; he was the first to arrive there with his wife, Isabel, and his son John, as it was his intention, which he accomplished, to bring them to Portugal. Accom

4. Translation of Book III (201v) 3-2 [ rs: person ]

om of Portugal and set sail with his men from Lisbon, despite having betrothed John, his son by the lady Isabel of Spain, daughter of the late king Pedro, to the young daughter of king Fernando of Portugal, known as the

5. Translation of Book III (203r) 3-4 [ name: person ]

m to the kingdom of Portugal. That is the entitlement of the daughters of king Pedro, Constanza and Isabel (and their children), married in England, and through them of their husbands the duke of Lancaster

6. Prospography Content: Isabel of Castile, countess of Cambridge, duchess of York (d. 1392) (person)

Isabel of Castile, countess of Cambridge, duchess of York (d. 1392) Isabella of Castile (c. 1355 - 1392), countess of Cambridge, duchess of York; daughter of king Pedro 'the Cruel' of Castile and Maria de Padilla. She married Edmund of Langley, earl of Cambridge, later duke of York, in 1372.

7. Prospography Content: Edward of Norwich, second duke of York (d. 1415) (person)

t named Edward. Edward of Norwich (1373 - 1415); killed at Agincourt), son of Edmund of Langley and his first, wife Isabella of Castile, cousin and courtier of Richard II. He inherited his father’s titles earl of Cambridge and duke of

8. Prospography Content: Constance of York (person)

York Constance of York, second child of Edmund of Langley, earl of Cambridge (d. 1402) and Isabel of Castile, countess of Cambridge, duchess of York (d. 1392). Richard of Conisbrough Richard of Conisbrough, third earl of Cambrid

9. Prospography Content: Richard of Conisbrough (person)

earl of Cambridge, third child and second son of Edmund of Langley, earl of Cambridge (d. 1402) and Isabel of Castile, countess of Cambridge, duchess of York (d. 1392). Sir Robert Ogle Sir Robert Ogle of

10. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (81 v) 2-211 [ rs: person ]

e, I port sus mer en la conté de Barquesiere. Et s’en vint la tout premiers et enmena avoecquez luy sa femme, madame Ysabel, et sen fil Jehan, et estoit ly intention de li telle, et il l’acomply, que il les menroit en Porti