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showing 1 to 9 of 9 results.

1. Besançon 865 (73 v) 2-217 [ rs: person ]

dedens estoyent, a leur voulenté. Car nulz ne leur osoit aler au devant, et tuerent en la ville un riche homme que on appelloit Richart Lyon, auquel du temps passé en France Waucre Tieullier ens es guerres avoit esté varlet, mais

2. Besançon 865 (73 v) 2-217 [ name: person ]

, auquel du temps passé en France Waucre Tieullier ens es guerres avoit esté varlet, mais Richart Lion avoit une foiz batu son varlet, si luy en souvint et y mena ses gens et luy fist coupper la teste d

3. Translation of Book II (73 v) 2-217 [ name: person ]

s as they pleased, for nobody dared to stand in their way. In the city they killed a rich man named Richard Lyons. Wat Tyler had once been his varlet in France during the wars, but Richard Lyons had beaten his var

4. Translation of Book II (73 v) 2-217 [ name: person ]

d a rich man named Richard Lyons. Wat Tyler had once been his varlet in France during the wars, but Richard Lyons had beaten his varlet on one occasion. He remembered this and led his men there, and had his head s

5. Prospography Content: Richard Lyons (d. 1381) (person)

Richard Lyons (d. 1381) Richard Lyons (? - 1381), merchant and financier of London, beheaded by the rioters during the Peasants' Revolt of 1381. According to Roger L. Axworthy, he was possibly a Fleming who settled in London. Froissart suggests that Lyons was killed as an act of revenge for and earlier slight upon Wat Tyler, one of the leaders of the Peasants' Revolt, Lyons having possibly been his servant or squire during the earl of Buckingham's expedition to France. But Axworthy notes that a much more plausible explanation for his beheading by the rebels would have been his lasting unpopularity from the days when he had been convicted of extortion and fraud. For his life and career, see Roger L. Axworthy, 'Lyons, Richard (d. 1381)', in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, ed. H. C. G. Matthew and Brian Harrison (Oxford: OUP, 2004); online ed., ed. Lawrence Goldman, January 2008,; For Lyons' wealth and fortunes, see A. R. Myers, 'The Wealth of Richard Lyons', in Essays in Medieval History presented to Bertie Wilkinson, eds T. A. Sandqvist and M. R. Powicke (Toronto, 1969), 301-29.

6. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (86 v) 2-217 [ name: person ]

enté. Car nulz ne leur ossoit aler au devant, et tuerent I rice homme en la ville, que on appelloit Richart Lion, au quel, dou tamps passé, en Franche, Wautre Tieullier, ens es guerrez, avoit esté varléz, mais Ri

7. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (86 v) 2-217 [ name: person ]

on, au quel, dou tamps passé, en Franche, Wautre Tieullier, ens es guerrez, avoit esté varléz, mais Richart Lion avoit une fois batu son varlet, sy l’en souvint. Et y mena sez gens, et li fist coper la teste deva

8. Rouen 1147 (296 v) 2-217 [ rs: person ]

i dedens estoient, a leur voulenté, car nul ne leur osoit aler au devant et tuerent en la ville un riche homme que on appelloit Richart Lyon, auquel du temps passé en France Waucre Tuillier ens es guerres avoit esté varlet. Mais Richart Li

9. Rouen 1147 (296 v) 2-217 [ name: person ]

chart Lyon, auquel du temps passé en France Waucre Tuillier ens es guerres avoit esté varlet. Mais Richart Lion avoit une fois batu son varlet, si lui en souvint et y mena ses gens et lui fist couper la teste