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1. Paris ms. fr. 2650 (266 v) 3-252 [ rs: person ]

C et IIIIXX et six, ou mois d’aoust, se departi le conte Ghuy de Bloys et la contesse Marie, sa femme, bien acompaignié de chevaliers et d’escuiers, de dames et de damoiselles, et en bon arroy et bien

2. Paris ms. fr. 2650 (267 r) 3-252 [ rs: person ]

ré et fianchié Marie, fille au duc Jehan de Berry. Et estoit l’intencion du conte de Bloys et de la contesse que, eulx venut a Bourges en Berry, leur filz procederoit avant au mariaige. ¶ Et aussy telle esto

3. Prospography Content: William I of Flanders, count of Namur (d. 1391) (person)

count of Namur by his eldest son, William I. For his children (by his second wife), see Marie, countess of Blois, William II, count of Namur, John III, count of Namur. Jean

4. Prospography Content: Marie of Namur, countess of Blois (d. 1412) (person)

Marie of Namur, countess of Blois (d. 1412) Daughter of William I, count of Namur, and his second wife Catherine of Savoy. Wife of Guy II, count of Blois, whom she married in 1372. She died on 11 August 1412.

5. Prospography Content: Catherine of Savoy, countess of Namur (d. 1388) (person)

her third husband shad had three children. She died on 18 June 1388. For her children, see Marie, countess of Blois, William II, count of Namur, John III, count of Namur. Jean

6. Prospography Content: Guy II, count of Blois (d. 1397) (person)

Schoonhoven and Gouda and the counties of Blois and Soissons. He married Marie of Namur in 1372. Their son and heir Louis died in 1391, before his parents. In that same year Guy sold the

7. Prospography Content: Louis of Blois (d. 1391) (person)

Louis of Blois (d. 1391) Only son and presumptive heir of Guy II, count of Blois, and Marie of Namur. He was married to Marie, daughter of John, duke of Berry, in Bourges on 29 March 1386, an event wi