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1. Besançon 865 (223 r) 3-22 [ rs: person ]

t a toutes dames et damoiselles doulz et amoureux, en ot pitié et la retint, et la mist avecques la dame de Kerasse, une haulte baronnesse en ce paÿs, et la pourvey de ce que il lui appartenoit. Messire Pierre de Berne son frere estoit lors jeune ch

2. Translation of Book III (223 r) 3-22 [ rs: person ]

, who is kindly and gentle to all ladies, took pity on her and let her stay. He lodged her with the lady of Coarraze, a prominent baroness of the country, and provided her with everything befitting her. Sir Pierre de

3. Prospography Content: Baroness of Coarraze (person)

Baroness of Coarraze This could be the baroness of Coarraze in Béarn, in the canton of Nay-Bourdettes, département of Pyrénées-Atlantiques; see P. Tucoo-Chala, Gaston Fébus et la vicomté de Béarn, 1343-1391 (Bordeaux, 1959), pp. 180 and 269. The identification of this lady of Kerasse as the baroness of Coarraze should not be dismissed, but Sr. Martin reminds us that the existence - or not - of Florence of Vizcaya, and a fortiori the authenticity of what we are told of her movements, raises some doubts... P. Tucoo-Chala, Gaston Fébus et la vicomté de Béarn, 1343-1391 (Bordeaux, 1959), pp. 180 and 269