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showing 1 to 9 of 9 results.

1. Besançon 865 (235 r) 3-35 [ rs: person ]

, messire Jehan Radigos et messire Jehan Teste d’Or, le seigneur de la Figiere et messire Gomme de Cabeston, Ambroise Coudrich et Pierre Coudrich son frere, et messire Onges Navaret, un chevalier de Castille

2. Besançon 865 (235 v) 3-35 [ rs: person ]

sur ce, comment je me pourray ordonner, et m’en responnéz vostre advis, je vous en pri. Adonc parla messire Gommes de Carbesten, un chevalier portingalois, et dist: Sire, je vous di et conseille pour vostre honneur et prouffit que au plus tost que vous p

3. Besançon 865 (235 v) 3-35 [ rs: person ]

Par mon chief, dist le roy, vous parléz bien, et il est ainsi. Et je vous di, messire Gomme, que tantost on face appareillier noz hommes et ordonner chascun selon lui, car nous chevaucherons

4. Besançon 865 (235 v) 3-35 [ rs: person ]

a noz ennemis; ou nous gaignerons tout a ceste fois, ou nous le perdrons. Monseigneur, respondi le chevalier, il sera fait, car se vous avéz la journee pour vous et Dieu vous envoie bonne fortune, vous demour

5. Translation of Book III (235r) 3-35 [ rs: person ]

king Fernando his brother: Sir João Rodrigues, Sir Jean Teste d'Or, the lord of la Higuera and Sir Gomez Cabeça, Ambroise Coudrich and Pierre Coudrich his brother, and Sir Onges Navaret, a Castilian knight who h

6. Translation of Book III (235v) 3-35 [ rs: person ]

f guidance on this matter and as to how should I act. I beg of you to give me your advice." At this Sir Gomez de Gabaston, a Portuguese knight, spoke up and said, "My lord, I advise you, for your own honour and gain, to m

7. Translation of Book III (235v) 3-35 [ rs: person ]

emies." "By my head," said the king, "you have spoken well and it is just as you say. I say to you, Sir Gomez, order our men to prepare themselves for we will ride out very soon and face our enemies, and this

8. Translation of Book III (235v) 3-35 [ rs: person ]

enemies, and this time we will either gain everything or lose everything." "My lord," replied the knight, "it will be done, for if the day is yours and God sends you good fortune, you will remain king of

9. Prospography Content: Gomez Cabeça (person)

Gomez Cabeça Gomez Cabeça, a Portugese knight.