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showing 1 to 7 of 7 results.

1. Besançon 865 (248 v) 3-52 [ name: person ]

r et leurs gens et s’en vindrent devers le chastel de Pulpuron que grans pillars tenoient, desquelz Angerot Petit Mescin estoient souverains et capitaines, et avoient fait moult de damaiges ou paÿs, pourquoy messire Gaut

2. Besançon 865 (248 v) 3-52 [ rs: person ]

e miniere ou alee dessoubz terre qui duroit plus de demie lieue, dont on ne se donnoit garde. Quant Angerot, le capitaine du chastel, vit l’ordonnance du siege des François et que point ne se departiroient sans ce qu’ilz eussent eul

3. Besançon 865 (249 r) 3-52 [ name: person ]

du peril se departirent et prindrent autres chemins, et distrent que jamais ne vouloient guerroier. Angerot s’en vint, li Ve, a une ville et chastel de Pierregort que on dit Montcroial. Le

4. Translation of Book III (248 v) 3-52 [ name: person ]

and came before the castle of Pechpeyroux which was in the hands of marauders under the command of Elias Machin. They had done much damage to the land, for which Sir Gaucher de Passac had sworn on his father's s

5. Translation of Book III (248 v) 3-52 [ name: person ]

le had an underground passage more than half a league long of which the French were not aware. When Elias, the captain of the castle, saw the siege the French had laid and realised that they would not leav

6. Translation of Book III (249 r) 3-52 [ name: person ]

ays as soon as they felt they were out of danger, saying that they did not wish to be at war again. Elias went with four others to a town and castle in Périgord called Montcroial. The knight and lord of th

7. Prospography Content: Elias Machin (person)

Elias Machin Hellias or Elias Machin, a Gascon, and captain of a free company. Fought at Brignais, as well as in Burgundy, Brittany and Spain.