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1. Besançon 865 (249 v) 3-52 [ name: person ]

s, de telz chasteaulx a pluseurs en ce païs, et par especial tous les chasteaulx qui jadiz furent a Regnault de Montauben sont de tele condicion, car quant ilz et ses freres guerroierent au roy Charlemaine de France, ilz

2. Besançon 865 (249 v) 3-53 [ name: person ]

Gautier au seneschal de Thoulouse, et lui demanda, se Cruvale avoit esté anciennement des chasteaux Regnault de Montauben. Il respondi: Ouil. Et dont y a il dedens une mine soubz terre comme aux autres? En nom Dieu,

3. Besançon 865 (250 v) 3-55 [ name: person ]

car encores ces deux chasteaux, Roiz et Rochefort, sont minéz et furent des chasteaux anciennement Regnault de Montauben, et les trouverent les François tous vuis quant ilz y vindrent; si en reprindrent la saisine et les

4. Translation of Book III (249 v) 3-52 [ name: person ]

are many such castles in this country, in particular all of those which belonged in former days to Renaud de Montauban are constructed in this way, for when he and his brothers were at war with king Charlemagne of Fran

5. Translation of Book III (249 v) 3-53 [ name: person ]

to consult with the seneschal of Toulouse, asked him if Curvale had once been a castle belonging to Renaud de Montauban. He replied, "Yes". "So then it has an underground passage like the others?" "In God's name," said

6. Translation of Book III (250 v) 3-55 [ name: person ]

these castles, Rosières and Rochefort, have passages since they were castles formerly belonging to Renaud de Montauban. The French found them completely empty when they arrived and so took them back into their possessi

7. Prospography Content: Renaud de Montauban (person)

Renaud de Montauban Renaud de Montauban, legendary character and hero of the epic (chanson de geste) of the same name; it narrates the history of the four sons of Aymon de Dourdone and is part of a very long literary tradition. 'Renaut de Montauban', article by Jean-Paul Martin, DMA, p. 1202.