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1. Besançon 865 (205 v) 3-6 [ rs: person ]

naudon de Sainte Coulombe, Ernauldon de Rostem, le Mongat de Sainte Basille et le bourc de Carvelac. Ces capitaines si firent en Bigorre, en Thoulousain

2. Besançon 865 (213 r) 3-11 [ rs: person ]

¶ Or advint une foiz que Ernauton de Sainte Coulombe, le Mongaut de Saint Cornille et le bourch de Carvellac et bien VIXX lances de bonnes gens se departirent de Lourde et s’en vindrent autour des montai

3. Besançon 865 (214 v) 3-12 [ rs: person ]

gros de membres, sans estre trop chargiéz de char. Et prinst la de sa main les deux capitaines, le bourch de Carnillac et Perrot, palatin de Berne. Et la fu mort un escuier de Navarre qui s’appelloit Ferrande de Mirend

4. Besançon 865 (215 r) 3-13 [ rs: person ]

, le Mongaut, qui adonc vivoit, Ferrando de Mirande, avec lui Barbe, le bourc de Carvillac, le bourch Camus et li compaignon qui dedens estoient avoient bien esté enfourméz de sa venue. Si s

5. Translation of Book III (205 v) 3-6 [ name: person ]

French, Arnauton de Sainte-Coulombe, Ramon-Arnaud de Rostan, the Mongat de Sainte-Bazeille and the Bourc de Cardeilhac. These captains had made many forays into Bigorre, the Toulousain, the Carcassonais and the Albigeo

6. Translation of Book III (213 r) 3-11 [ name: person ]

anyone.' 'It so happened once that Arnauton de Saint-Coulombe, the Mongat de Saint-Cornille and the Bourc de Cardeilhac, with the command of a good one hundred and twenty lance departed from Lourdes and advanced around

7. Translation of Book III (214 v) 3-12 [ name: person ]

trong with muscular limbs, without being too bulky. Two captains were captured by his own hand, the Bourc de Cardeilhac and Pierre, Paladin de Béarn. A Navarrese squire met his end there, named Ferrand de Miranda, a mos

8. Translation of Book III (215 r) 3-13 [ name: person ]

Sainte-Coulombe, the Mongat who was still alive then, Ferrand de Miranda accompanied by Barbe, the Bourc de Cardeilhac, the Bourc Camus and the companions within had been well informed of his advance. They had greatly

9. Prospography Content: Bourc de Cardeilhac (person)

Bourc de Cardeilhac