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showing 1 to 8 of 8 results.

1. Besançon 865 (230 v) 3-28 [ rs: person ]

andement, et avoit cousté au royaume d’Angleterre cent mil frans, et si n’y avoient riens fait. Les ambassadeurs de Portingal concevoient bien les paroles du conte et disoient: Monseigneur, adonc fu, or est a present autremen

2. Besançon 865 (275 r) 3-96 [ rs: person ]

l principaument la besoigne touchoit et qui devoit estre chief de celle armee. Et pour expedier les ambassadeurs de Portingal, qui vouloient retourner en Portingal et apporter nouvelles, le roy d’Angleterre rescripsi au roy d

3. Besançon 865 (275 r) 3-96 [ rs: person ]

urs estoient avec le duc de Lencastre ou le conte de Cantebruge. Si prindrent un jour les dessusdiz ambassadeurs congié du roy et du conseil, et disnerent ce jour avec le duc de Lencastre

4. Besançon 865 (275 r) 3-96 [ rs: person ]

que le duc de Lencastre mandoit par ses lettres au roy de Portingal et par la bouche et parole des ambassadeurs que on lui voulsist envoier de Portingal VII gallees ou XVIII ou

5. Translation of Book III (230 r) 3-28 [ rs: person ]

London and await us there. When my brother has arrived, you will receive further news from us." The Portuguese ambassadors were content enough with this response and left the duke of Lancaster after remaining with him for

6. Translation of Book III (230 v) 3-28 [ rs: person ]

ady which had cost the kingdom of England one hundred thousand francs and had achieved nothing. The Portuguese ambassadors understood the earl's words and said, "My lord, that was then, things are different now. Our king,

7. Translation of Book III (231 r) 3-29 [ rs: person ]

ncaster had all of his men and vessels at Southampton ready to make the voyage to Portugal, and the Portuguese ambassadors had returned to Lisbon bringing with them certain news of the duke of Lancaster's impending arrival

8. Prospography Content: Ambassadors of Portugal (person)

Ambassadors of Portugal