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showing 1 to 3 of 3 results.

1. Besançon 865 (250 r) 3-54 [ rs: person ]

sire de Barbesen, messire Benedic, le sire de Benac, le filz au conte de Esterach, messire Raymon de Lisle, et les chevaliers et les escuiers du païs, et chascun en sa bonne ordonnance. Lors commencierent i

2. Translation of Book III (250 r) 3-54 [ rs: person ]

eneschalsy. The lord of Barbazan, Sir Benedict, the lord of Bénac, the son of the count of Assérac, Sir Raymon de Lille, and the knights and squires of that area were drawn up there in fine array. Then they began their

3. Prospography Content: Raymon de Lille (person)

Raymon de Lille