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1. Besançon 865 (71 v) 2-214 [ name: place ]

roy, et envoyeroyent de leurs gens et de leurs compaignons oultre la Tamise en Exsexs, en Sousexsez, en la conté de Stanfort et de Boutefort parler au puepple que ilz venissent de l’autre cousté a Lo

2. Besançon 865 (71 v) 2-214 [ name: place ]

eur route. Tout en celle maniere avoient fait ceulx des autres contrees d’Angleterre, d’Exsexes, de Sousexsexes, de Kent, de Stanfort, de Boutefort, de l’

3. Translation of Book II (70 r) 2-212 [ name: place ]

en and high-ranking churchmen must be served by them, in particular in the counties of Kent, Essex, Sussex, and Bedfordshire where there are more of them than in the rest of England. These wretched folk in

4. Translation of Book II (70 v) 2-213 [ name: place ]

be a single serf in England. These assurances stirred up the people of the counties of Kent, Essex, Sussex, Bedfordshire and the surrounding lands, and they set out for London. They were a good sixty thousa

5. Translation of Book II (71 v) 2-214 [ name: place ]

London to the king, and send some of their companions across the Thames to Essex, Sussex, the county of Staffordshire, and Bedfordshire to convince the people to come in from the other sid

6. Translation of Book II (71 v) 2-214 [ name: place ]

ompany against his will. Exactly the same was done by people in other regions of England: in Essex, Sussex, Kent, Staffordshire, Bedfordshire, and the diocese of Norwich

7. Translation of Book II (74 v) 2-220 [ name: place ]

f Kent, you will have one of my banners, and one for the people of Essex, another for the people of Sussex, yet another for those of Bedfordshire, one for the people of Cambridgeshire, and one each for thos

8. Translation of Book II (76 r) 2-222 [ name: place ]

eement and overrun this rich and powerful city of London before the arrival of the people of Essex, Sussex, Cambridge, Bedfordshire and of other more distant counties, Arundel, Warwick

9. Prospography Content: Sussex (place)

Sussex County of Sussex, England.

10. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (84 r) 2-214 [ name: place ]

deviers le roy. Et envoierent de leurs gens et de leurs compaignons oultre le Tamisse en Exsexs, en Sousexsexs, en la conté de Stafort et de Betefort parler au peuple, que tout venissent de l’autre costé a Lond