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1. Besançon 865 (71 v) 2-214 [ name: place ]

le lundy au matin et tout le puepple de Cantorbie avecques eulx, et prindrent le chemin de Rocestre et emmenoyent toutes gens des villaiges a destre et a senestre, et en cheminant et alant ilz fouldr

2. Besançon 865 (71 v) 2-214 [ name: place ]

ureurs de la court du roy et de l’arcevesque, et n’en avoyent nulle mercy. Quant ilz furent venuz a Rocestre, on leur fist grant chiere. Car les gens de la ville les attendoyent qui estoient de leur sexte, et

3. Besançon 865 (72 r) 2-215 [ name: place ]

ceulx de Angleterre. Quant ce puepple, qui estoit logiéz a Rocestre, orent fait ce pourquoy ilz estoyent la venuz, ilz se departirent et passerent la rivierent et vind

4. Darmstadt 132 (195 v) 2-215 [ name: place ]

peuple. Quant ce peuple qui estoit logié a Rocestre eurent fait

5. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (197 r) 1-403 [ name: place ]

firent leurs offrandes et la se reposerent un jour. L’andemain ilz chevaucherent jusques a ClocestreRocestre et puis se reposerent la. Au tiers jour ilz vindrent jusques a Dardrefort. Et au

6. Paris Arsenal 5188 (147 r) 2-215 [ name: place ]

Quant ce peuple qui stoient logiés a Rocestre, eurent fait ce

7. Translation of Book II (71 v) 2-214 [ name: place ]

ay, they departed on Tuesday morning with the entire population of Canterbury, and took the road to Rochester. They gathered people from villages right and left as they went, and stormed like a tempest through

8. Translation of Book II (71 v) 2-214 [ name: place ]

eholds of the king and archbishop, robbing and ransacking them without mercy. When they had reached Rochester they were welcomed, for the townspeople, who followed their cause, were waiting for them. They went

9. Translation of Book II (72 r) 2-215 [ name: place ]

point, but first we shall continue to speak of the English. When these people, who were lodging in Rochester, had done what they had come to do, they departed and crossed the river, arriving in Brentford [sic

10. Prospography Content: Rochester (place)

Rochester Rochester (Kent), England. See also Rochester Castle.