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1. Besançon 865 (225 v) 3-23 [ name: place ]

LX fors, que en Masconnoys, en Forés, en Billay, en la Basse Bourgoigne et sur la riviere de Loire. Et rançonnions tout le païs, ne on ne pouoit es

2. Besançon 865 (228 r) 3-26 [ name: place ]

ailleurs ou ilz se refreschissoient. Et les gentilzhommes pour ce temps d’Auvergne, de Forés et de Villay et des frontieres estoient si traveilliéz et si menéz par la guerre, ou par estre prins ou raençonn

3. Besançon 865 (228 r) 3-26 [ rs: place ]

arroy en Brude, en alant de Brude a Anse et en chevauchant aussi le paÿs de Villay, avoit tousjours trop fort deporté la terre au seigneur de la Volte, un baron demourant sur la rivi

4. Besançon 865 (229 r) 3-26 [ name: place ]

eurs gens, il n’y avoit point de tenue. Aussi firent ceulz d’Anse et autres fors qui se tenoient en Villay et en Forés de leur partie, et furent tous liéz ceulz qui encloz estoient, quant on les laissa part

5. Translation of Book III (225 v) 3-23 [ name: place ]

Saint-Denis, l'Hôpital-sous-Rochefort and more than sixty fortresses in the Mâconnais, in Forez, Velay and Lower Burgundy, and all along the Loire. We would ransom the whole countryside, and they could

6. Translation of Book III (228 r) 3-26 [ name: place ]

ell you,' said the Bascot de Mauléon. 'A long while ago, when Sir Séguin de Badefol held Brioude in Velay four leagues from Le Puy in the Auvergne, and had terrorised the country and made a fair amount fro

7. Translation of Book III (228 r) 3-26 [ name: place ]

orez and elsewhere where they were wont to rest. At that time, the noblemen of the Auvergne, Forez, Velay and the border lands had become so exhausted and so drained by the war, and by being taken prisoner

8. Translation of Book III (228 r) 3-26 [ name: place ]

perous days in Brioude when he had led raids between Brioude and Anse and right through the land of Velay, he had always made a point of sparing the lands of the lord of La Voulte, a baron living by the ri

9. Translation of Book III (229 r) 3-26 [ name: place ]

men, there was no sense in holding out. The garrison of Anse and the other fortresses they held in Velay and Forez followed suit, and those who were confined within were happy to be permitted to escape wi

10. Prospography Content: Languedoc (place)

France, to the north and north-west of Nîmes (comprising the Gévaudan, Vivarais and Velay). Today, the Languedoc corresponds to the regions of the Haute-Garonne, Aude, Lozère