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1. Besançon 865 (218 v) 3-18 [ rs: place ]

ne ot une dure guerre et forte au roy d’Espaigne qui pour ce temps estoit, et vint cil roy parmy le païs de Bisquaie a grant gent entrer ou païs de Berne. Messire Gastons de Berne, qui fu enfourméz de sa venue, assem

2. Besançon 865 (279 v) 3-98 [ name: place ]

prendroient, ou se ilz yroient a Lusebonne ou au Port de Portingal, ou se ilz prendroient terre en Bisquaie ou a la Calonge. Si furent sur cel estat les ducs et les seigneurs longuement en conseil ensemble.

3. Besançon 865 (282 v) 3-101 [ name: place ]

Angloys entroyent ou havre, encores trouverent ilz VII gallees que vaisseaulx de Bisquaye chargiéz de vins, lesquelz les Angloys orent a leur prouffit, et les marchans orent tantost tout ve

4. Besançon 865 (282 v) 3-101 [ name: place ]

bien ouy dire par maronniers de Saint Andrieu que les Angloys estoient sur mer et sur les bandes de Bisquaye, mais ilz cuidoient, pour tant que nommee court, et voirs est, que le roy de Portingal leur a envoy

5. Besançon 865 (348 r) 3-179 [ name: place ]

Pors est durement grande, car tout le royaulme d’Arragon, de Navarre, de Bisquaye, de Portingal, de Connimbres, de Luscebonne, de

6. Translation of Book III (218 v) 3-18 [ name: place ]

d of Béarn had a long and bitter war with the king of Spain at that time. This king marched through Viscaya with a large force and entered Béarn. Sir Gaston de Béarn was informed of his arrival and gathered

7. Translation of Book III (219 r) 3-18 [ name: place ]

e so thoroughly routed there that the count of Foix pursued them as far as the port of Santander in Viscaya. The king of Spain took refuge in the abbey, donning a monk's habit; otherwise he would have been c

8. Translation of Book III (223 r) 3-22 [ name: place ]

it comes. The first time anything was noticed was the night after he had been out in the forests of Vizcaya hunting an exceptionally large bear with his dogs. This bear had killed four of his dogs and injure

9. Translation of Book III (223 v) 3-22 [ name: place ]

defeated it after a great struggle. Finally he killed it and returned to his castle at Lekeitio in Vizcaya, having the bear brought back with him. Everyone marvelled at the size of the beast, and at the kni

10. Translation of Book III (223 v) 3-22 [ name: place ]

irds at will, and women too. It could be that this bear was once a knight hunting in the forests of Vizcaya, who angered a god or goddess in his time and was transformed into the shape of a bear to live out