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1. London Harley 4379-4380 (12 r) 4-14 [ rs: place ]

songnoit. Car il estoit regard et souverain de moult longtaines marches de Languedoch mouvant de la riviere du Rosne et du ponth d’Avignon en advironnant les seneschaussies que je vous nommeray la ou moult de terres

2. London Harley 4379-4380 (16 r) 4-21 [ rs: place ]

Bourgoingne arriva l’endemain que le roy fut venu a Villeneufve par la riviere du Rosne, car il estoit entré en une grosse barge a Lion sur le Rosne. Et furent le roy et les

3. Besançon 865 (225 r) 3-23 [ rs: place ]

s de bons prisonniers, et de villes et de fors que ilz prindrent en l’arceveschié de Lion et sur la riviere du Rosne. Et ce parfist leur guerre quant ilz eurent le Pont Saint Esperit, car ilz guerrierent le pape et l

4. Berlin Rehdiger 3 (39 v) 3-23 [ rs: place ]

sses et de bons chasteaulx et riches maisons que ils prindrent en l’archeveschié de Lyon et sur la riviere du Rosne. Et ce parfist leur guerre, quant ils gaingnierent le Pont Saint Esperit, car ils faisoient guerre

5. Paris ms. fr. 2650 (34 r) 3-23 [ rs: place ]

his de bons prisonniers et de villes et de fors que ilz prinrent en l’archevesqié de Lyon et sur la riviere de Rosne. Et ce parfist leur guerre quant ilz eurent le Pont Saint Esperit, car ilz guerrierent le pape et l

6. Translation of Book III (225 r) 3-23 [ rs: place ]

prisoners, and the towns and fortresses they had captured in the archdiocese of Lyon and along the river Rhône. Their war reached a climax when they took Pont-Saint-Esprit, for they made war upon the pope and t

7. Translation of Book III (228 r) 3-26 [ rs: place ]

ay, he had always made a point of sparing the lands of the lord of La Voulte, a baron living by the river Rhône, because he had been in his service as a young boy. He resolved to return to his service, ask for h

8. Translation of Book III (228 v) 3-26 [ name: place ]

uis Roubaud was observed and they found out that he had come from Brioude to Anse near Lyons on the Rhône. When Limousin knew this for certain, he said to the lord of La Voulte, "Sire, give your orders, it

9. Prospography Content: Avignon (place)

Avignon Avignon, on the river Rhône, administrative centre of the Vaucluse département. Seat of the Avignon papacy from 1309 until 1378

10. Prospography Content: Lyon (place)

Lyon Lyon is situated at the confluence of the river Rhône and river Saône; administrative centre of the département of the Rhône. See also inhabitant