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1. Besançon 865 (246 r) 3-49 [ name: place ]

et de Chastel Cullier, qui faisoient guerre d’Anglois et tenoient les fors qui ci s’ensuivent: Saint Sorguet, La Boufee, Pulpuron, Cruvale, le Mesnil

2. Besançon 865 (246 v) 3-49 [ name: place ]

laume Cauderon, Breton, et sa route. Si se departirent un jour de Thoulouse et s’en vindrent devant Saint Sorget, et la s’arresterent. Et le tenoit un homme d’armes de Berne — grant pillart estoit — qui s’appello

3. Besançon 865 (246 v) 3-50 [ name: place ]

. ¶ Quant ces seigneurs et leurs routes furent venus devant Saint Sorget, ilz se logierent et tantost alerent a l’assault, et commencierent Genevois a traire de grant façon

4. Besançon 865 (247 v) 3-51 [ name: place ]

capitaine messire Gautier de Pasac que vous soiéz mort sans nul remede, si comme ont esté ceulx de Sorget. Si vous vault trop miex a rendre le fort, et je le vous conseille, que d’attendre celle aventure,

5. Translation of Book III (246 r) 3-49 [ name: place ]

d Castelculier and making war on behalf of the English; these had now invested the following forts: Saint Cirq, La Bouffie, Pechpeyroux, Curvale, Le Mesnil

6. Translation of Book III (246 v) 3-49 [ name: place ]

Faignole and Guillaume Cauderon, a Breton, with his company. They marched one day from Toulouse to Saint Cirq and halted there. A man-at-arms of Béarn was in command of the place, a great plunderer known as th

7. Translation of Book III (246 v) 3-50 [ name: place ]

plunderer known as the Bourc de Taillard. When these commanders and their troops had arrived before Saint Cirq, they made camp and launched an immediate assault. The Genoese began to loose off bolts at such a v

8. Translation of Book III (247 v) 3-51 [ name: place ]

has given the express order that you be unconditionally put to death, just like the inhabitants of Saint Cirq. So it would be much better for you to surrender the fort, as I would advise, than try your luck he

9. Prospography Content: Saint-Cirq (place)

Saint-Cirq Saint Cirq, in the canton of Caussade, département of Tarn-et-Garonne.