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showing 1 to 3 of 3 results.

1. Besançon 865 (251 v) 3-57 [ name: place ]

Rions, Cadilac, Langon, Saint Malquaire, Chastel en Dorte, Caudroc, Gironde, la Role,

2. Translation of Book III (251 v) 3-57 [ name: place ]

Rioms, Cadillac, Langon, Saint-Macaire, Castets-en-Dorthe, Caudrot, Gironde, La Réole, Meilhan

3. Prospography Content: Castets-en-Dorthe (place)

Castets-en-Dorthe Castets-en-Dorthe, in the canton of Langon, département of the Gironde.