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1. Besançon 865 (252 v) 3-59 [ name: place ]

vont Genevois et Venitiens marchander parmi les treuz que ilz paient jusques en la Grande Ynde, la terre au prestre Jehan, et partout sont ilz bienvenus pour l’or ou l’argent qu’ilz portent ou p

2. Paris ms. fr. 2650 (71 v) 3-59 [ rs: place ]

, car partout vont Genevois et Venitiens marchander parmi les trieves que ilz paient, jusques en la grande Inde, la terre au prestre Jehan; et partout sont ilz bien venus pour l’or et l’argent qu’ilz portent ou po

3. Translation of Book III (252 v) 3-59 [ rs: place ]

tan. The Genoese and Venetians travel extensively to trade, by way of the duties they pay as far as Great India, the land of Prester John, and everywhere they are welcomed for the gold and silver they carry or f

4. Prospography Content: Great India (place)

Great India La grande Ynde: refers perhaps to the northern part of the subcontinent, given that Prester John's fabled kingdom extended - as was then believed, thanks to bishop Othon of Freising - beyond both Persia and Armenia. It was thought that a river, whose source was in Paradise, flowed through the kingdom, transporting with it emeralds, sapphires and rubies. Marco Polo located this kingdom between India and Mongolia, whilst western cartographers of the 15th century place it in Ethiopia, where it is visited by Jesuit missionaries.