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showing 1 to 10 of 10 results.

1. Besançon 865 (252 v) 3-59 [ rs: place ]

isle de Scie et toutes les bondes de mer et de Grece jusques a la Turquie, et tiennent la ville et le chastel de Pere qui sciet en mer devant la cité de Constantinoble et le font garder a leurs fraiz, coulz et despens

2. Besançon 865 (252 v) 3-59 [ name: place ]

, mais ilz n’en pevent venir a chief, ainçois quant ilz y sont venus, y ont plus mis que prins, car Pere sciet sur vive roche, et n’y a que une seule entree, et celle les Genevois ont fortifiee trop grand

3. Besançon 865 (252 v) 3-59 [ name: place ]

et celle les Genevois ont fortifiee trop grandement. Encores tiennent li Genevois un petit pardela Pere la ville et le chastel de Jason qui est trop noble chose et trop grant proufit pour eulx, et pour l

4. Besançon 865 (252 v) 3-59 [ name: place ]

e chose et trop grant proufit pour eulx, et pour les paÿs crestiens marchissans, car sachiéz que se Pere et Jason, Scie et Roddes n’estoient, avecques l’aide des

5. Translation of Book III (252 v) 3-59 [ name: place ]

hodes and Chios and every shore from Greece as far as Turkey where they hold the town and castle of Pera, situated on the coast before the city of Constantinople. They afford it protection at their own co

6. Translation of Book III (252 v) 3-59 [ name: place ]

ought to capture it, but they never manage it, and lose more than they gain in the attempt, because Pera sits atop a sheer rock and has only one entrance which the Genoese have thoroughly fortified. Not o

7. Translation of Book III (252 v) 3-59 [ name: place ]

oroughly fortified. Not only that, the Genoese possess the town and castle of Samsun, a little past Pera, which is a good and profitable thing both for them and for neighbouring Christian countries. Now i

8. Translation of Book III (252 v) 3-59 [ name: place ]

which is a good and profitable thing both for them and for neighbouring Christian countries. Now if Pera and Samsun, and Chios and Rhodes were not protected by the Genoese

9. Prospography Content: Samsun (place)

d along the southern coast of the Black Sea. However, the site mentioned is actually found close to Péra; it could just as well be Samsun on the Black Sea coast, to the east of Istanbul.

10. Prospography Content: Péra (place)

Péra Péra, a Genoese suburb of the town of Galata; the modern-day equivalent is Beyoglu, the town-centre of Istanbul, between the Golden Horn and the Bosphorus Strait, opposite Constantinople.