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showing 1 to 9 of 9 results.

1. Besançon 865 (266 r) 3-84 [ rs: place ]

ssi pour la doubte des rebellions, il se parti a tout son ost et chemina tant que il vint devant la ville de Tuye, qui est moult forte. Il la advironna et fist assaillir. Ceulz de Tuye estoient asséz de la partie

2. Besançon 865 (268 v) 3-87 [ rs: place ]

de Valence en Portingal fu envoiéz depar le roy messire Jehan Genines de Salves, a l’encontre de la forte ville de Tuye qui siet pres de la, la quele s’estoit tournee et rendue au roy de Castille quant il vint devant Lu

3. Besançon 865 (268 v) 3-87 [ name: place ]

de la, la quele s’estoit tournee et rendue au roy de Castille quant il vint devant Lusebonne. Et en Tuye avoit de François et de Castelloings grant garnison de gens d’armes. En la cité de Serpe

4. Translation of Book III (266 r) 3-84 [ name: place ]

it and also to pre-empt any rebellions, he left with his entire army and marched on to the town of Tuy which is strongly fortified. He surrounded it and had an assault launched upon it. The inhabitants

5. Translation of Book III (266 r) 3-84 [ name: place ]

ch is strongly fortified. He surrounded it and had an assault launched upon it. The inhabitants of Tuy were broadly sympathetic to the interests of the queen of Castile, because my lady Leonor, her moth

6. Translation of Book III (268 v) 3-87 [ name: place ]

Silva was sent by the king to the city of Valença in Portugal, facing towards the fortified town of Tuy which stands nearby and which had surrendered and gone over to the king of Castile as he made his w

7. Translation of Book III (268 v) 3-87 [ name: place ]

rby and which had surrendered and gone over to the king of Castile as he made his way to Lisbon. In Tuy the French and Castilians had a large garrison of men-at-arms. Sir Mem Rodrigues de Vasconcelos, an

8. Prospography Content: Tuy (place)

Tuy Tuy, now in (modern-day) Spain.

9. Prospography Content: Valença de Minho (place)

Valença de Minho Valença de Minho, separated from Tuy by the river Minho.