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showing 1 to 3 of 3 results.

1. Paris ms. fr. 2650 (10 r) 3-7 [ rs: place ]

Garonne pour entrer en la ville; mais nous ne peusmes, car le jour devant il avoit tant pieu ens es montaignes de Cathellongne et d’Arragon, par quoy une autre riviere qui vient d’icellui paÿs, qui s’appelle le Sallas, estoit tant crute, a

2. Translation of Book III (207 v) 3-7 [ rs: place ]

e Garonne to enter the town, but we could not, for the day before it had rained relentlessly in the mountains of Catalonia and Aragon so that another river originating in that land, called the Salat, had become so swollen and fast-fl

3. Prospography Content: Mountains of Catalonia and Aragon (place)

Mountains of Catalonia and Aragon