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1. Besançon 865 (212 v) 3-10 [ rs: place ]

en y pourroie recouvrer, car nous devions encores chevauchier ensemble. Et fusmes ce soir logié a l’ostel a l’Estoille, et la tenu tout aaise. Quant ce vint sur le soupper, le chastellain de Mauvoisin, qui s’appelloit

2. Besançon 865 (216 v) 3-14 [ rs: place ]

say le chevalier en paix, et asséz tost aprés nous venismes a Tharbe, ou nous feusmes tout aise a l’ostel a l’Estoille. Et y sejournasmes tout ce jour, car c’est une ville trop bien aisie pour sejourner chevaulx de bon

3. Translation of Book III (212 v) 3-10 [ rs: place ]

in, for we still had some travelling to do together. That evening we were comfortably lodged at the Inn of the Star. As supper was being served, the governor of Mauvezin, Sir Raymond de Lanne, came to meet and dine

4. Translation of Book III (216 v) 3-14 [ rs: place ]

in peace, and shortly afterwards we arrived at Tarbes where we were lodged comfortably at the Star Inn of the Star. We remained there for the whole of that day, for it is a hospitable town in which to rest oneself

5. Prospography Content: Inn of the Star (place)

Inn of the Star