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showing 1 to 3 of 3 results.

1. Besançon 865 (254 r) 3-61 [ name: place ]

que le taquen le craint et ne lui oseroit faire guerre, et a certaines villes et certains pors en Tartarie qui rendent a l’Amorath Baquin grant treu tous les ans; et aussi ilz sont d’une loy, si ne veult pa

2. Translation of Book III (254 r) 3-61 [ name: place ]

?" "Because Timur fears him and dare not make war on him. There are also certain towns and ports in Tatary which pay duties to Murad Baqir every year; they share a faith, and so he would not wish to destroy

3. Prospography Content: Tartary (place)
