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showing 1 to 5 of 5 results.

1. Besançon 865 (228 r) 3-26 [ name: place ]

ulsist faire sa paix en France, et il seroit a tousjours mais bon et loyal François. Il s’en vint a la Volte — moult bien y savoit le chemin — et se bouta en un hostel, car il estoit tout de pié. Et puis quan

2. Besançon 865 (229 r) 3-26 [ name: place ]

ses gens qui estoient tous pourveuz de leur fait abaissierent les lances et s’en vindrent escriant: La Volte! ferir a ces compaignons qui chevauchoient espars et sans arroy. La en y ot de premiere venue la gr

3. Translation of Book III (228 r) 3-26 [ name: place ]

on his behalf in France, vowing to remain a good and loyal Frenchman for ever after. He arrived at La Voulte - he knew the way there very well - and lodged at an inn, for he was travelling on foot. When he ha

4. Translation of Book III (229 r) 3-26 [ name: place ]

Voulte and his men, who had all been briefed ahead of their task, lowered their lances and crying "La Voulte!" charged at the companions who were riding along in disorderly fashion. The first charge brought m

5. Prospography Content: La-Voulte-sur-Rhône (place)
