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11. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (282 v) 1-551 [ rs: institution ]

a Windesore. Si alerent celle part et furent grandement bien venus et recueilliz du roy et de la royne tant pour l’amour du prince leur filz comme pour ce qu’ilz estoient seigneurs et chevaliers de gra

12. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (326 r) 1-616 [ rs: institution ]

it continuelement faire processions de tout le clergié. Et lui meesme tout deschaulx et nuz piéz et madame la royne en cel estat y aloient en suppliant et requerant devotement a Dieu qu’il voulsist entendre a eulx e

13. Translation of Book III (259 v) 3-71 [ rs: institution ]

onor da Cunha, is a bastard, and worse, for the reasons previously given, and as such will never be queen of Portugal, nor will any of her descendants. This is the same opinion the count of Foix expressed to his peopl

14. Translation of Book III (265 r) 3-83 [ rs: institution ]

to his own." "After the death of João Fernandes Andeiro, my lady Leonor who had been queen of Portugal, wished to leave Lisbon and go to Castile to the king and to her daughter

15. Translation of Book III (265 v) 3-83 [ rs: institution ]

ried, and still was, to lady Leonor, whom king Fernando of Portugal had taken for his wife and made queen of Portugal, heard that his wife had left Portugal and was travelling to Castile, he went to some of the king o

16. Prospography Content: Queen of Portugal (institution)

Queen of Portugal