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21. Brussels IV 921 (31 r) 2-83 [ rs: person ]

gens petit a petit le suivoient. Tant exploitta par ses journees que il vint a Bordeaulx, si trouva messire Jehan de Neufville, seneschal de Bordeaulx, a qui il recorda son aventure. Si se tourna anglois, et dist qu’il avoit plus chier a mentir sa fo

22. Paris Arsenal 5188 (45 v) 2-83 [ rs: person ]

s petit a petit le suyvirent. Tant exploita par ses journees qu’il vint a Bourdeaux. Si trouva la messire Jehan de Neufville, seneschal de Bourdeaulx, a qui il compta son avanture. Si se tourna angloys et dist qu’il avoit plus chier a mentir sa fo

23. Translation of Book II (1r) 2-83 [ rs: person ]

is one evening incognito and rode towards his own country until he reached Bordeaux. There he found Sir John Neville, seneschal of Bordeaux, to whom he remarked that he preferred to break his word to the king of Fran

24. Prospography Content: John Neville (d. 1388) (person)

John Neville (d. 1388) John Neville (c. 1330 - 1388), fifth lord Neville, son of Ralph Neville, fourth lord Neville, and Alice Audley. His early career was spent in the service of Edward III, but in the 1360s he became a retainer of John of Gaunt, the duke of Lancaster. Neville took part in Richard II’s Scottish campaign in 1385 but he did not accompany Gaunt on his expedition to Castile. For more information on his life and career, see Anthony Tuck, 'Neville, John, fifth Baron Neville (c.1330-1388)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004)

25. Prospography Content: Ralph Neville, earl of Westmorland (person)

arl of Westmorland Ralph Neville (1364 - 1425), earl of Westmorland; eldest son of John Neville, fifth baron Neville, and Maud Percy Robert du

26. Prospography Content: Alexander Neville, archbishop of York (person)

f York, second son of Ralph Neville, fourth lord Neville de Raby, and Alice Audley. His brother was John Neville, fifth lord Neville de Raby. He joined Richard II's intimate court circle, and was found guilty of treason, together with the o

27. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (2 r) 2-83 [ rs: person ]

ns petit a petit le sievirent. Tant esploita par sez journeez que il vint a Bourdiaux. Si trouva la messire Jehan de Nuefville, senescal de Bourdiaulx, a qui il recorda son aventure. Si se tourna engléz et dist que il avoit plus chier a mentir sa foy

28. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (39 r) 2-142 [ rs: person ]

, messire Jehan Collé, messire Jame de Citelee, messire Thumas Roumeston, messire Jehan de Noefville, messire Thumas Roselee. Et vint l’ost gesir a Hosque, sus une moult belle riviere, et furent fait

29. Rouen 1147 (229 v) 2-83 [ rs: person ]

petit a petit le suivoient. ¶ Tant exploita par ses journees qu’il vint a Bordeaulx. Si trouva messire Jehan de Neufville, seneschal de Bordeaulx, a qui il recorda son adventure. Si se tourna angloys et dist qu’il avoit plus chier a mentir sa f

30. Paris ms. fr. 2652 (41 v) 2-83 [ rs: person ]

que il vint a Bourdeaulx. ¶ Si trouva la messire Jehan de Neufville, seneschal de Bourdeaulx, a qui il recorda son adventure, si se tourna anglois et dist que il avoit plus chier a mentir sa