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11. Translation of Book III (256 r) 3-63 [ rs: person ]

nds night and day devising ways in which he might be able to force entry, in order to subjugate the king and the neighbouring lords, but he is wasting his time because the passes into Hungary are too stro

12. Prospography Content: King Andrew of Hungary (d. 1345) (person)

y (1327 - 1345), duke of Calabria, son of Charles II of Hungary and Elizabeth of Poland, brother of king Louis I of Hungary Antipope Clement VII

13. Prospography Content: King Louis I of Hungary (d. 1382) (person)

King Louis I of Hungary (d. 1382) Louis I 'the Great’ of Hungary (1326 - 1382), king of Hungary (1342-1382), Croatia and Dalmatia, and king of Poland from 1370 onwards. Eldest son of Charles II of Hungary and Elizabeth of Poland.

14. Prospography Content: Maria (Mária) of Hungary (person)

Maria (Mária) of Hungary Maria (Mária, 1382-1395), daughter of Louis the Great. Marko Mrnjavcevic, lord of Palatya

15. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (12 r) 2-98 [ rs: person ]

sa mort, on me remaria au prince de Tarente qui s’apelloit mesirez Charlez, et en oc une fille. Ly rois de Honguerie pour le desplaissance que il ot dou roy Andrieu, son frere, fist guerre a mon marit messire Charle

16. Brussels II 2552 (8 v) 2-98 [ rs: person ]

a mort on me remaria au prince de Tharante qui s’appelloit messire Charles, et en eus une fille. Le roy de Hongrie, pour la desplaisance qu’il ot du roy Andrieu, son frere, fist guerre a mon mary messire Charles

17. Rouen 1147 (237 r) 2-98 [ rs: person ]

mort on me remaria au prince de Tharente, qui s’appelloit messire Charles, et en euz une fille. Le roy de Honguerie, pour la desplaisance qu’il ot du roy Andrieu, son frere, fist a mon mary guerre et lui vint tol