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11. Translation of Book II (30 r) 2-136 [ name: person ]

is country to them to fight against the White Hoods, and he gave them two noblemen as captains, the Gallois de Masmines and Pieter van Steenhuyse. These two men, with their troops, carried the count's banner and lingere

12. Translation of Book II (65 r) 2-204 [ name: person ]

lord of Escornay, the lord of Reighersvliet, Sir Jean Villain, the lord of Enghien, the Gallois de Masmines, the Bâtard d'Escornay, Sir Blanchard de Calonne and several others. As these knights and squires w

13. Translation of Book II (65 r) 2-204 [ name: person ]

Ename. There, in the town of Ename these Ghenters found Pierre de Steenhuyse, the Gallois de Masmines and around one hundred companions of their band. And so they attacked the abbey into which they had

14. Translation of Book II (65 r) 2-204 [ name: person ]

red companions of their band. And so they attacked the abbey into which they had retreated, and the Gallois de Masmines and his party barely escaped the back way. They boarded a boat and reached Oudenaarde by night, and

15. Prospography Content: Jean de Masmines (person)

Jean de Masmines Jean de Masmines or Jan van Massemen (? - 1399), brother of Philippe de Masmines, lord of Calckene. Frederik Buylaert, Jan Dumolyn, Pieter Donche, Eric Balthau and Hervé Douxchamps, 'De adel ingelijst. 'Adelslijsten' voor het graafschap Vlaanderen in de veertiende en vijftiende eeuw', in Bulletin de la Commission Royale d'Histoire, 173 (2007), 47-187 (p. 78); See also Kervyn de Lettenhove, t. 22. p. 168.

16. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (33 r) 2-131 [ name: person ]

ville de Gaind pour la mort de son cousin, ossi fissent messires Phelipprez de Maminez, ly Gallois de Maminez, et pluiseurs autrez. Et, tantos ces deffiancez faitez, il trouverent environ XL

17. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (34 v) 2-132 [ name: person ]

landrez a tousjours et sans rapiel messires Phelipprez de Maminez, messires Oliviers d’Auterive, ly Gallois de Maminez, ly bastars de Windingnez et tout cil qui avoient esté a decopper lez navieurs bourgois de Gaind. E

18. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (36 r) 2-136 [ name: person ]

païx pour resister contre les Blans Capprons, et leur bailla deus gentilzhommez a cappitainnez, le Gallois de Maminez et Piere de Stienehus. Chil doy avoecques leurs routez porterent le baniere dou conte, et se tinre

19. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (76 v) 2-204 [ name: person ]

, messires Jehans Villains, li sirez d’Enghien, li Gallois de Maumez, li bastars d’Escornay, messires Blanchart de Calonne et pluiseur autre. Enssi que cil cheval

20. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (77 r) 2-204 [ name: person ]

Gantois en la ville d’Elham Pierez de Stunehus et le Galois de Maminez et environ C compaignons de leur route, si assallirent l’abbie ou il estoient trait, a grant dur se