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11. Paris ms. fr. 2664 (9 v) 2-98 [ rs: person ]

Depuis sa mort on me remaria au prince de Tharente qui s’appelloit messire Charles, et en eus une fille. ¶ Le roy de Hongrie, pour la desplaisance qu’il ot du roy Andrieu, son frere

12. Paris ms. fr. 2664 (9 v) 2-98 [ rs: person ]

manda en France messire Loÿs de Navarre pour espouser ma fille, mais il mourust sur le chemin. ¶ Le roy de Maiogres, mon mary, se departi de moy en voulenté de r

13. Paris ms. fr. 2664 (10 r) 2-98 [ rs: person ]

y grans messaiges en priant qu’il me voulsist envoyer un noble homme de son sang au quel je peusse ma fille marier, par quoy noz heritages ne demourassent mie sans hoir. Le roy de France entendi a mes paroll

14. Paris ms. fr. 2664 (10 r) 2-98 [ rs: person ]

parolles, dont je lui en sceus bon gre, et m’envoia son cousin messire Robert d’Artois, lequel ot ma fille espousee. ¶ Pere saint, ens ou voiage que le roy de Mayogres, mon mary, fist, il mourust.

15. Paris ms. fr. 2664 (10 r) 2-98 [ rs: person ]

la Paix tous quatre, sauvez noz vies. Il nous a tenus en prison, moy et mon mary, ma fille et son mary y sont mort. Depuis par

16. Translation of Book II (9 v) 2-98 [ rs: person ]

er his death I was married once more, this time to the prince of Taranto named Charles, and I had a daughter by him. The king of Hungary, who was angry about the death of king Endre, his brother, made war on

17. Translation of Book II (9 v) 2-98 [ rs: person ]

I was married again to king Jaime of Majorca and I sent Sir Louis of Navarre to France to marry my daughter but he died on the road. The king of Majorca, my husband, left me with the intention of reconquerin

18. Translation of Book II (9 v) 2-98 [ rs: person ]

and sent him fine ambassadors to beseech him to send a nobleman of his blood to whom I could wed my daughter, so that our inheritance would not remain without an heir. The king of France heard my plea, for wh

19. Translation of Book II (9 v) 2-98 [ rs: person ]

d my plea, for which I was very grateful, and sent me his cousin Sir Robert d'Artois who married my daughter. Holy Father, the king of Majorca, my husband, died while making his journey. I was married once mo

20. Translation of Book II (10 r) 2-98 [ rs: person ]

of us, to Sir Charles of Durazzo, to spare our lives. He held us in prison; me, my husband, and my daughter and her husband who died there. We were subsequently liberated by means of a treaty, provided that