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11. Translation of Book II (41 v) 2-161 [ rs: person ]

on of the constable and marshal in front, then the earl of Buckingham, the earl of Stafford and the earl of Devon and their battalion and baggage train, then came the rearguard which the lord of Windsor was captai

12. Prospography Content: Edward Courtenay, earl of Devon (d. 1419) (person)

Edward Courtenay, earl of Devon (d. 1419) Edward Courtenay (c. 1357 - 1419), third earl of Devon; son of Edward Courtenay, and Emmeline Dawnay. He married Maud de Camoys.

13. Prospography Content: Edward Courtenay (d. 1372) (person)

Edward Courtenay (d. 1372) Refers to the father of Edward Courtenay (c.1357 - 1419). Ralph Stafford, first earl of Stafford (d. 137

14. Prospography Content: William Courtenay, bishop of London, archbishop of Canterbury (d. 1396) (person)

shop of London between 1375 and 1381 but had been elected archbishop of Canterbury on 30 July 1381; Edward Courtenay, third earl of Devon, was his nephew. Paris

15. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (39 v) 2-142 [ rs: person ]

e Franche, quant une telle platte maison nous tient. Avant ! avant ! monstrons chevalerie. Quant ly contez eut dit ceste parolle, bien le notterent cil qui l’entendirent, et se vaurent mains espargnier que

16. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (39 v) 2-142 [ rs: person ]

ne fust bleschiéz. Enssi fu la maisons de Flolant prise, et Robert Flolant dedens et prisonniers au conte de Douvesciere, et ly autre a sez gens. Et toute ly hos se loga sus le riviere de Hosque, en attendant messire Gui

17. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (49 r) 2-160 [ rs: person ]

raus de ceste ahatie, si dist qu’il le volloit veoir et monta a cheval, le conte d’Askesufort et le conte de Douvesciere dalléz ly. Et par ceste ahatie cessa ly assaulx a Thori, et se retraissent li Engléz

18. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (49 v) 2-161 [ rs: person ]

et dou mareschal devant, et puis, le conte de Bouquighen, le conte d’Asquesufort et le conte de Douvesciere et leur bataille, et puis, aloit tous leurs carois. Et puis, venoit l’arrieregarde, dont messires G