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31. Chicago f.37 (vol. 2) (60 v) 2-22 [ rs: person ]

che. Car li baron et li chevalier faisoiient leur amas a le Mourlane et la environ. Et ja estoit li contes de Conglas et messires Archebaus Douglas partis d’Al

32. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (34 r) 1-53 [ rs: person ]

XV ou XVI ans, le conte de Moret encore plus jeune, et un damoiseau nommé Guillaume de Douglas, nepveu a cellui qui estoit demouré en Espaigne, de tel aage. Siques le païs et tout le royaume estoit despourveu de bon conseil pour resister au

33. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (34 r) 1-52 [ rs: person ]

ardevers Bervich. Mais a son retour il gaingna le chastel d’Eilquest, qui estoit de l’heritaige au conte de Douglas et est a six lieues de Handebourc, et y ordonna chastellain et bonnes gardes pour le garder. Et pu

34. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (167 r) 1-315 [ rs: person ]

s avéz ouy, se tindrent les deux roys a paix l’un contre l’autre. Mais pour ce ne demoura mie que monseigneur Guillaume de Douglas, ce vaillant chevalier d’Escoce, et les Escos qui se tenoient en la forest de Gedours ne guerroiassent tousjours les Anglois

35. Translation of Book II (69 v) 2-211 [ rs: person ]

duke's herald departed Berwick and rode towards Edinburgh where king Robert of Scotland, the earl of Douglas, the earl of March, the earl of Moray and the barons of Scotland were all assembled, for they had a

36. Translation of Book II (72 v) 2-216 [ rs: person ]

land; yet despite all these things, he continued to negotiate with the Scots with great wisdom. The earl of Douglas, the earl of Moray, the earl of Sutherland, earl Thomas Erskine, and the Scots

37. Translation of Book II (77 v) 2-223 [ rs: person ]

uch as the popular rebellions in England were happening. He was in negotiations with the Scots, the earl of Douglas and the barons of Scotland. The Scots were as well aware of the situation in England as the duke

38. Translation of Book II (78 r) 2-223 [ rs: person ]

ngdoms. When these truces were concluded, the lords made visits to honour one another and there the earl of Douglas said to the duke of Lancaster, "My lord, we are aware of the revolts led by the common people of En

39. Translation of Book II (78 r) 2-223 [ rs: person ]

o return and take up residence in your land if needs be, until the situation has settled down." The earl of Douglas and the earl of Moray, who were empowered by the king, granted him this freely. And so they departe

40. Translation of Book II (78 v) 2-224 [ rs: person ]

the safe passage they had granted him. The burden of this counsel was communicated by letter to the earl of Douglas who was residing at Dalkeith. When the earl saw the duke