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11. Paris ms. fr. 2660 (115 r) 2-214 [ rs: person ]

Des maulx que le peuple faisoit aux officiers du royaume et comment ilz envoyerent ung chevalier depar eulx au roy d’Angleterre. Le lundi premier

12. Brussels IV 921 ([92] r) 2-214 [ rs: person ]

aulx que le peuple d’Angleterre faisoit sur les officiers du royaume, et comment ilz envoyerent ung chevalier depar eulx parler au roy d’Angleterre. Le lundy

13. Translation of Book II (71 r) 2-214 [ rs: person ]

the crimes the people of England committed against the officers of the kingdom and how they sent a knight to speak with the king of England. That Monday, the first day of the week, a good omen, just before

14. Translation of Book II (71 v) 2-214 [ rs: person ]

ey went to the castle and detained the knight who was guardian of it and captain of the town, named Sir John Newton. They said to him, "You must come with us and be our commander-in-chief, and do our bidding." The k

15. Translation of Book II (71 v) 2-214 [ rs: person ]

n. They said to him, "You must come with us and be our commander-in-chief, and do our bidding." The knight excused himself well and gave various reasons and explanations why he could not, but they were comp

16. Translation of Book II (71 v) 2-214 [ rs: person ]

d, for they said to him, "Sir John, Sir John, if you do not do what we ask, you are dead meat!" The knight saw that these people were wild-eyed and ready to kill him, and so, fearing death, he obeyed them a

17. Translation of Book II (72 r) 2-215 [ rs: person ]

ousand common people in London. The people lodged on the mount of Blackheath resolved to send their knight to speak with the king and explain that everything they were doing was for him, for the kingdom of

18. Translation of Book II (72 r) 2-215 [ rs: person ]

principally the archbishop of Canterbury, his chancellor, whom they wished to call to account. The knight dared not say or do anything to the contrary but came to the Thames opposite the Tower and had hims

19. Translation of Book II (72 r) 2-215 [ rs: person ]

y boat. When the king and those in the Tower of London who were eager for news, saw the boatman and knight traversing the Thames, they said, "Here's some soul coming over with news for us!" and I can tell y

20. Translation of Book II (72 r) 2-215 [ rs: person ]

some soul coming over with news for us!" and I can tell you that within they were very anxious. The knight reached the shore and way was made for him. He was conducted before the king who was in his chamber