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11. Besançon 865 (273 r) 3-94 [ rs: person ]

, messire Jehan de Rie, messire Gieufroy Ricon, messire Gieufroy de Partenay, messire Espaignolet d’Espaigne, messire Regnault du Solier dit Lymosin, mareschal du roy de Castille; et des Gascons de Berne, le

12. Translation of Book III (231 v) 3-30 [ rs: person ]

sun, Sir Raimon de Coarraze, Sir Pierre de Marquefave, Sir Augerot de Domezain, and several others. Sir Espagnolet d'Espagne, the eldest son of Sir Roger d'Espagne, cousin in blood and in arms to the count of Foix, joined th

13. Translation of Book III (246 v) 3-49 [ name: person ]

nder-in-chief of all of these castles was an accomplished man-at-arms from the Basque country named Espagnolet, who sided with the English. This Espagnolet performed remarkable feats of arms, for he scaled and

14. Translation of Book III (246 v) 3-49 [ name: person ]

accomplished man-at-arms from the Basque country named Espagnolet, who sided with the English. This Espagnolet performed remarkable feats of arms, for he scaled and captured the castle of Curvale while its lord

15. Translation of Book III (246 v) 3-49 [ name: person ]

rground passage. While this tunnel was under construction, the lord of Curvale was negotiating with Espagnolet over the price for recovering his castle. When Espagnolet had finished the tunnel, he concluded a d

16. Translation of Book III (246 v) 3-49 [ name: person ]

the lord of Curvale was negotiating with Espagnolet over the price for recovering his castle. When Espagnolet had finished the tunnel, he concluded a deal with the knight, handing the castle back to him for tw

17. Translation of Book III (246 v) 3-49 [ name: person ]

urned to his castle and had everything which was broken repaired. Not a fortnight had passed before Espagnolet came back by night with his army, letting themselves into the underground passageway leading to the

18. Translation of Book III (249 v) 3-53 [ name: person ]

ithin to guard it, they marched on towards the town and castle of Curvale, the captain of which was Espagnolet de Paperan, a Basque, and with him a great many pillagers and thieves. The lords and their army made such prog

19. Translation of Book III (249 v) 3-53 [ name: person ]

e others?" "In God's name," said Sir Hugues, "it has in truth, and it was through that passage that Espagnolet took the castle and the lord within it for the second time." "Order the knight who was present to c

20. Translation of Book III (250 r) 3-53 [ name: person ]

meone attempting to enter the castle through the passage. They sprang up at once and hurried there. Espagnolet, who was on his way to bed, appeared and advised them to pile beams, rocks, posts and other objects