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21. Besançon 865 (249 v) 3-53 [ rs: person ]

abescen, et la s’arresterent et mistrent siege tout a l’environ. La voult savoir messire Gautier au seneschal de Thoulouse, et lui demanda, se Cruvale avoit esté anciennement des chasteaux Regnault de Montauben. Il respond

22. Besançon 865 (249 v) 3-53 [ rs: person ]

Ouil. Et dont y a il dedens une mine soubz terre comme aux autres? En nom Dieu, dist messire Hugues, c’est verité, voirement y a il soubzterrine, et par celle la prinst la seconde foiz Espaignolet, e

23. Besançon 865 (250 r) 3-54 [ rs: person ]

ieres de gens et traire chascun a son ordonnance, ainsi comme il devoit estre et aler. La estoit le seneschal de Thoulouse avecques ceulx de sa seneschaucie d’un costé. La estoit messire Rogier d’Espaigne, seneschal de Car

24. Paris ms. fr. 2650 (66 r) 3-51 [ rs: person ]

iel quant il vey Ernauton: Par ma foy, Ernauton, vous devéz et tous vos compaignons rendre graces a messire Hue de Froideville, car il a fait vostre traitié tout ainsi comme vous l’avéz demandé. Vous partiréz sauvement vous et

25. Translation of Book III (207 r) 3-7 [ name: person ]

skirmished, and several noble deeds of arms were done. At that very hour the seneschal of Toulouse, Hugues de Froideville, was riding through that part of the country with a command of sixty lance, happening to arrive at

26. Translation of Book III (246 r) 3-49 [ rs: person ]

of men-at-arms. This knight was from Berry on the borders of the Limousin. Before his arrival, the seneschal of Toulouse Sir Hugues de Froideville, and the seneschal of Carcassonne Sir Roger d'Espagne had written to the

27. Translation of Book III (246 r) 3-49 [ rs: person ]

knight was from Berry on the borders of the Limousin. Before his arrival, the seneschal of Toulouse Sir Hugues de Froideville, and the seneschal of Carcassonne Sir Roger d'Espagne had written to the king of France and his cou

28. Translation of Book III (246 v) 3-49 [ rs: person ]

r came with sixty lance and one hundred shieldbearers, the seneschal of Rouergue with the same, and Sir Hugues de Froideville with as many or more. When these men-at-arms were all gathered together they numbered around four t

29. Translation of Book III (247 v) 3-51 [ rs: person ]

ave him from death, for he has sworn that all those captured by force will be slain or hanged." The seneschal of Toulouse then charged a squire from Gascony named Guillaume Aluder, who was well acquainted with Ernauton si

30. Translation of Book III (247 v) 3-51 [ rs: person ]

nt this much, but I shall happily speak for you to my masters." With these words he returned to the seneschal of Toulouse and related to him everything you have heard. Sir Hugues de Froideville said, "Let us go and speak