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11. Translation of Book III (253 r) 3-59 [ name: person ]

ed. When they had first conquered it they seized countless riches, and took with them to Genoa this Jacques who had murdered his brother, to discover what the Genoese would do with him. It is true that the k

12. Translation of Book III (253 r) 3-59 [ name: person ]

hat the king of Cyprus had a fine son, for whom they secured a marriage and crowned him king, while Jacques was placed in solitary confinement, though they had no intention of having him killed. They held on

13. Translation of Book III (253 r) 3-59 [ name: person ]

se played a great part in the business since they held Famagusta. Meanwhile the country had crowned Jacques king for lack of an heir. I cannot imagine by what devilry he escaped from prison or the hands of t

14. Prospography Content: King Pierre I de Lusignan of Cyprus (d. 1369) (person)

nst the Mameluke Sultan of Egypt, and died in January 1369 at Nicosia, where he was assassinated by his own brother, Jacques de Lusignan, prince of Antioch. With regard to Pierre I de Lusignan and Léon, king of Armenia: M.-Th. de Medeiros, Hommes

15. Prospography Content: Korykos (person)

1448, Gorhigos / Korykos / Kyrkalesi on the Armenian coast was not held by the Genoese, but by the king of Cyprus. Famagusta

16. Prospography Content: Jacques de Lusignan (person)

Jacques de Lusignan Jacques de Lusignan, (c.1344 - 1398), was the brother of Pierre I, king of Cyprus; in 1369, he led a faction of nobles responsible for assassinating the king. His nephew, Pierre II, then reigned from 1369 until 1382. He became king of Cyprus himself in 1382, reigning until 1398. After the capture of Kyrenia in 1374, he was sent to Genua as a hostage.

17. Prospography Content: King Léon VI de Lusignan of Armenia (d. 1393) (person)

f Armenia (d. 1393) Léon VI de Lusignan, king of Armenia from 1374 to 1375, son of Jean de Lusignan. Chased out of his kingdom by the armies of the Mameluke Sultan of Egypt, who at that time controll