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11. Besançon 865 (284 v) 3-103 [ rs: person ]

roy: le conte de Savoye et retenuz a cinq cens lances, et d’autre part le conte d’Armignach et le Daulphin d’Auvergne, et quoyque ces seigneurs feussent longtain, et ne savoyent, ne savoir ne

12. Besançon 865 (300 v) 3-116 [ rs: person ]

a Lisle le duc de Bar, le duc de Lorraine, le conte d’Armignach, le conte de Savoie, le conte daulphin d’Auvergne, le conte de Geneve

13. Besançon 865 (304 v) 3A-120 [ rs: person ]

que d’avoir une bonne sayson, ilz peurent avoir grant merveille, telz comme le conte de Savoye, le conte d’Armignach, le daulphin d’Auvergne et cent gros barons qui se departoient moult enviz, sans avoir v

14. Translation of Book III (204r) 3-4 [ rs: person ]

them in arms and satisfied their need for them, he was currently enjoying a state of truce with the count of Armagnac. The summons the kings of Spain and Portugal had sent were neither easily nor readily attended to,

15. Translation of Book III (212 r) 3-10 [ rs: person ]

he keeps so much money. I can tell you that the count of Foix is constantly fearful of war with the count of Armagnac and of the intentions of his neighbours, the king of France and the king of England, neither of who

16. Translation of Book III (215 v) 3-13 [ rs: person ]

ou earlier, was very wary of the duke of Anjou at this time, although the duke did him no harm. The count of Armagnac and the lord of Albret, however, would have been pleased to see him make war on the count, but the

17. Translation of Book III (220 v) 3-20 [ rs: person ]

was married to the daughter of the count of Armagnac. This young lady was the sister of the present count and of Sir Bernard d'Armagnac. Thanks to this marriage there should have been peace between Foix an

18. Translation of Book III (227 v) 3-25 [ rs: person ]

of the place at their best price. Now I do not know what to do with it. I am discussing terms with the count of Armagnac and the Dauphin d'Auvergne to whom the king has given special powers to buy up towns and fortresses

19. Translation of Book III (231 v) 3-30 [ rs: person ]

g, "Dear Sirs, do you really intend to leave my country, and leave me to deal with the dispute with the count of Armagnac while you go off to assist the king of Spain in his war? Your departure is of great concern to me."

20. Prospography Content: Bernard VII of Armagnac (d. 1418) (person)

Bernard VII of Armagnac (d. 1418) Bernard d’Armagnac, brother of Jean III, whom he succeeded in 1391. During the first years of the following century, he became a figure of