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11. Paris ms. fr. 2650 (273 v) 3-259 [ name: place ]

nt seigneur ou un noble et vaillant homme, ilz en sont trop grandement resjouÿs, et le enmenront en Boesme ou en Ostrice, ou en Sasongne, ou aultre part, et le tenront en lieux et en chastiaulx inhabitables

12. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (202 r) 1-414 [ name: place ]

amis en Flandres, en Braibant, en Haynault et en Bahaingne. Si en vint tantost asséz de tous costéz. Et s’assemblerent les gentilz estrangiers et ceulx du pa

13. Translation of Book II (8 r) 2-96 [ name: place ]

Charles of Bohemia, king of Germany and emperor of Rome, was still living and resided in Prague in Bohemia where he was informed of all of these events which came as a great shock to him. Although his Germa

14. Translation of Book III (245 r) 3-47 [ name: place ]

Orton, of course," he replied. "Where have you come from?" "I come from Prague in Bohemia. The Emperor of Rome is dead." "When did he die?" "He died the day before yesterday." "And how far

15. Translation of Book III (245 r) 3-47 [ name: place ]

"When did he die?" "He died the day before yesterday." "And how far is it from here to Prague in Bohemia?" "How far?" he said. "At least sixty days' journey." 'And yet you got here so quickly!' "God's tru

16. Prospography Content: Bohemia (place)

Bohemia Bohemia, a historical region in central Europe, enclosed today within the Czech Republic.

17. Prospography Content: John the Blind of Luxemburg, king of Bohemia (d. 1346) (place)

rabant. He married his first wife, Elisabeth of Bohemia, on 31 August 1310. She was the heir of the kingdom of Bohemia, which passed on first to John and then to his eldest son, Charles. Elisabeth died in 1330 after be

18. Besançon 864 (187 r) 1-414 [ name: place ]

en Flandres, en Braibant, en Haynault et en Behaigne. Si en vint tantost asséz de tous costéz. Et s’assemblerent les gentilz estrangiers et ceulx du pa