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41. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (299 v) 1-577 [ name: place ]

Saint Venant, qui fut la fait chevalier et plusieurs autres chevaliers de France, d’Arragon et de Prouvance et des marches voisines. Si estoient bien en ceste bataille IIIIM chevaliers et escuiers moult fo

42. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (308 r) 1-592 [ name: place ]

frans et s’en vint servir le duc d’Anjou a bien IIM combatans en Prouvence, ou le dit duc estoit assiegé devant la ville de Tarrasconne, qui se tenoit pour le roy de Napples

43. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (310 v) 1-596 [ name: place ]

durement a tout deux mile combatans, et estoit partis du duc d’Anjou qui avoit achevee sa guerre en Prouvance et deffait son siege de devant Tarrascon par composicion je ne sçay mie a dire quelle. Si s’estoien

44. Translation of Book II (9 r) 2-98 [ name: place ]

or some time to place the kingdom of Sicily, of which she was mistress and queen, and the county of Provence, which was a dependency of the kingdom, back into the hands of the pope for him in turn to grant ac

45. Translation of Book II (9 r) 2-98 [ name: place ]

Naples, the kingdom of Sicily, Apulia, Calabria and the county of Provence. It is true that, while my father king Louis of Sicily, duke of Apulia and Calabria, was still aliv

46. Translation of Book II (10 r) 2-98 [ name: place ]

Apulia and Calabria; and he is clearly intent upon securing the inheritance of Naples, Sicily and Provence. He searches out alliances everywhere, and will ignore the rights of the church as soon as I am dea

47. Translation of Book II (10 r) 2-98 [ name: place ]

Sicily, Naples, Apulia, Calabria and Provence. I give them to you to offer as inheritance to whomsoever you deem to be most suitable, and who may

48. Prospography Content: Provence (place)

Provence The historical county of Provence, France See also counts of Provence.

49. Prospography Content: Louis Roubaud (place)

Louis Roubaud Louis Roubaud, captain of a free company from Provence. Menaud de Villers

50. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (11 v) 2-98 [ rs: place ]

t eu en pourpos I grant tamps que le roiaulme de Sesille, dont elle estoit dame et roine, et la ducé de Prouvence, qui dou roiaulme dependoit, elle revenroit en le main dou pappe