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41. Paris ms. fr. 2664 (11 r) 2-100 [ name: place ]

pape Urbain Ve les y envoya. Messire Jehan Hactonde et sa route demourerent en Ytalie et l’embesoingna le pappe Urbain tant qu’il vesqui contre les seigneurs de Milan. Aussi fist pape

42. Paris ms. fr. 2664 (11 r) 2-100 [ name: place ]

tre chose. Cil messire Jehan Hactonde estoit un chevalier moult aduréz et renomméz ens es marches d’Ytalie et y fist plusieurs grans appertises d’armes. Si s’avisierent les Rommains et Urbain qui se nommoi

43. Paris ms. fr. 2664 (94 r) 2-245 [ name: place ]

ne pot avoir point argent du recepveur de Paris. Et comment le duc d’Anjou passa en Itallie et de sa noble chevalerie. Vous savéz comment ceulx de Paris

44. Brussels IV 921 (1 r) [ name: place ]

sire Jehan Froissart qui parlent des nouvelles guerres de France, d’Angleterre, d’Ytalie, d’Espaigne, et d’Allemaigne,

45. Brussels IV 921 ([111] r) 2-245 [ name: place ]

ne pot point avoir d’argent du recepveur de Paris, et comment le duc d’Anjou passa en Itallie et la noble chevalerie qui estoit en sa compaignie. Vous sçavéz bien comment ceulx de Paris

46. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (3 r) [ name: place ]

roy de France ne peut avoir argent du receveur de Paris et comme le duc de Angou passa en Ytalie. De l’anchanteur a qui le

47. Translation of Book II (10 v) 2-100 [ name: place ]

Florimont, to harry and harass the Romans. At this time in the marches of Tuscany and Italy there was a valiant knight of England named Sir John Hawkwood. He did and had done many great feats

48. Translation of Book II (10 v) 2-100 [ name: place ]

. Pope Urban V also had a hand in sending them there. Sir John Hawkwood and his company remained in Italy and pope Urban engaged them against the lords of Milan for as long as he lived, as did pope Gregory

49. Translation of Book II (10 v) 2-100 [ rs: place ]

of England, and not for any other reason. Sir John Hawkwood was a seasoned knight, renowned in the Italian marches where he performed many great deeds of arms. The Romans and Urban, who called himself pope, resolve

50. Translation of Book III (211 v) 3-9 [ name: place ]

ent over to the French and served the duke of Anjou for a long time after that. He went across into Italy with him and died in a skirmish outside the city of Naples when the duke of Anjou and the count of