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11. Brussels IV 1102 (36 r) 2-163 [ rs: place ]

garda l’abbaie de pillier et d’ardoir. Dedans la forest de Marceaunoy a une tresbelle et moult bonne abbaie de moines de l’abaie de Cisteaulx. g 3

12. Paris ms. fr. 2664 (42 v) 2-163 [ rs: place ]

parolles que le roy Charles dist au lit de la mort. Dedens la forest de Marceausnoy

13. Translation of Book II (42 r) 2-162 [ rs: place ]

came to La Ferté-Villeneuil in the county of Blois within sight of Châteaudun. They encamped in the forest of Marchenoir in Blois and the whole host came to a halt, for it was a pleasant and appealing place they found th

14. Translation of Book II (42 r) 2-163 [ rs: place ]

Cator, an Englishman, and of the words king Charles uttered on his deathbed, and so on. Within the forest of Marchenoir there is a striking and beautiful abbey of monks of the Cistercian order, and this abbey is called

15. Translation of Book II (42 v) 2-164 [ name: place ]

back to the lords of France who had gathered in the country in various places, and the English left Marchenoir and took the road to Vendôme, camping in the forest of Coulommiers along the way. You are aware of

16. Translation of Book II (44 r) 2-166 [ rs: place ]

rles of France, which was a pity. When the earl of Buckingham and all of his companies departed the forest of Marchenoir in the county of Blois, they marched in the direction of Vendôme, towards the forest of Coulommiers

17. Prospography Content: Marchenoir (place)

Marchenoir Marchenoir (Loir-et-Cher), France.

18. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (50 r) 2-162 [ rs: place ]

illenuefve la Freté, en la conté de Blois, a la veue dou Chastiel Dun, et s’en vinrent logier en la forest de Marceaunoy en Blois. Et la s’arresta toute l’oost pour le plaissant lieu et bel que il y trouverent, et s’y reposserent

19. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (50 r) 2-163 [ rs: place ]

jours. Dedens la forest de Marceaunoy a un tres belle et bonne abbeie de monnez de l’ordene de Chistiaux, et proprement on appelle celle

20. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (50 r) 2-163 [ rs: place ]

rrest de Marceaunoy. D’autre part, ly sirez de Vievi en Blois estoit en son castiel au dehors de la forrest, qui siet sus le chemin de Dun et de Blois, et avoit li sirez de Vievi grant fuisson de chevaliers