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11. Brussels IV 1102 (38 r) 2-166 [ name: place ]

Comment les Anglois trouverent le sire de Hangest et sa route sur les champs qui aloit a Vandosme. Si se sauva mais XII de ses compaignons furent prins prinsonniers. Q

12. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (200 r) 1-409 [ name: place ]

de Loire et la riviere de Saine, pourquoy nul n’osoit aler entre Paris et Vandosme, entre Paris et Orleans, ne entre Paris et

13. Paris Arsenal 5188 (102 v) 2-159 [ name: place ]

Comment le conte de Bouquinghen et sa route passerent le Gastinoys, et vindrent jusques aupres de Vendosme. LVIIe chapitre. Quant le

14. Translation of Book II (42 v) 2-164 [ name: place ]

had gathered in the country in various places, and the English left Marchenoir and took the road to Vendôme, camping in the forest of Coulommiers along the way. You are aware of how king Charles of France, w

15. Translation of Book II (44 r) 2-166 [ name: place ]

ompanies departed the forest of Marchenoir in the county of Blois, they marched in the direction of Vendôme, towards the forest of Coulommiers. As they rode close by Vendôme, the vanguard was riding out in f

16. Translation of Book II (44 r) 2-166 [ name: place ]

they marched in the direction of Vendôme, towards the forest of Coulommiers. As they rode close by Vendôme, the vanguard was riding out in front, for it made sense for them to do so, and thus Sir Thomas Tri

17. Translation of Book II (44 r) 2-166 [ name: place ]

forty lance. On the road they encountered by chance the lord of Hangest, who was making his way to Vendôme with a company of thirty lance. The English grasped at once that they were French and spurred their

18. Translation of Book II (44 r) 2-166 [ name: place ]

d. The French, who found themselves outnumbered, had no desire to wait for them, for they were near Vendôme. And so they galloped to that place to get to safety, with the English in hot pursuit, and the Fren

19. Translation of Book II (44 v) 2-166 [ name: place ]

finally Sir Robert Knolles captured him and made him his prisoner. That day the host passed before Vendôme and the river Loire and came to lodge at Azé in the county of Vendôme and the following day at Sain

20. Translation of Book II (44 v) 2-166 [ name: place ]

at day the host passed before Vendôme and the river Loire and came to lodge at Azé in the county of Vendôme and the following day at Saint-Calais where the army rested for two days. On the third day they dec