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21. Translation of Book II (64 r) 2-203 [ name: place ]

rs at their worst, as I will relate to you further on in this history. After the defeat that day at Nevele which left Rasse van Herzeele and Jean de Lannoy dead, the count of Flanders heard that Pieter van

22. Translation of Book II (64 r) 2-203 [ name: place ]

en was appointed their commander-in-chief. About five hundred lance mounted up, took their leave of Nevele and the count and took to the fields, riding along furtively, the better to observe the Ghenters, a

23. Translation of Book II (64 v) 2-204 [ name: place ]

nghien, the lord of Montigny, the Hase de Flandres and their companies had returned to the count at Nevele and had relayed what they had seen, the count departed Nevele and returned towards Bruges, sending

24. Translation of Book II (64 v) 2-204 [ name: place ]

ompanies had returned to the count at Nevele and had relayed what they had seen, the count departed Nevele and returned towards Bruges, sending the men from the chartered towns and the Franc of Bruges, the

25. Translation of Book II (64 v) 2-204 [ name: place ]

esolved not to wait for him there at the siege, but decamped and went to seek lodging at Deinze and Nevele where they declared that they would wait for the count and make their situation known to the townsm

26. Translation of Book II (64 v) 2-204 [ name: place ]

in numbers. And so a good fifteen thousand men marched once again out of Ghent to meet their men at Nevele and Deinze, and encamped in the fields to await the count. When the count had arrived at Harlebeke

27. Translation of Book II (64 v) 2-204 [ name: place ]

Ghenters had left and were retreating towards Ghent, and that they had taken lodgings at Deinze and Nevele. The count judged it to be unwise to pursue them then, and gave leave to his men-at-arms and the co

28. Translation of Book II (64 v) 2-204 [ name: place ]

den Bossche and the Ghenters saw that the count was no longer in pursuit, they departed Deinze and Nevele, taking the road towards Oudenaarde to return that way to Ghent. On the day they passed Oudenaarde,

29. Prospography Content: Nevele (place)

Nevele Nevele, a village near Ghent, Belgium.

30. Leiden VGGF 9 (vol. 2) (73 r) 2-200 [ name: place ]

ut siis mille hommez, et eurent en pourpos que d’aler a Donze, mais, quant il furent sus les camps, Nieuvle. Car on leur dist que li sirez d’Enghien et bien IIII mille hommez i estoient, et que li