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51. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (201 v) 1-413 [ name: place ]

re de Coucy et entour Soissons. Car aucunes gens de villes champestres sans chief s’assemblerent en Beauvoisin. Et ne furent mie cent hommes les premiers et distrent que tous les nobles du royaume de France, ch

52. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (201 v) 1-413 [ name: place ]

Jaques Bonhomme. ¶ Ces meschans gens ardirent et abatirent ou païs de Beauvoisin environ Corbie, Amiens et Montdidier plus de LX

53. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (231 r) 1-471 [ name: place ]

ent tous devant eulx. Et d’autre part les garnisons qui se tenoient et faisoient guerre pour lui en Beauvoisins, en Picardie, en Brie et en Champaigne gastoient tout

54. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (244 v) 1-488 [ name: place ]

Troyes, de Chaalons en Champaigne, d’Amiens, de Beauvais, d’Arras, de Tournay, de Caen en Normandie

55. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (254 r) 1-508 [ name: place ]

roy de Chippre lui ot en convenant. Si se parti ledit roy de Chippre d’Amiens, et chevaucha devers Beauvais et vint a Pontoise et passa la Saine , et fist tant par ses journees qu’il vint a Poitiers

56. Paris ms. fr. 2663 (335 v) 1-629 [ name: place ]

et si estandus parmi son royaume que la environ Rouen, Vexguecin Beauvoisin venoient et aplouvoient gens d’armes tous les jours que merveilles seroit a panser. Et tousjours se

57. Translation of Book III (224 v) 3-23 [ name: place ]

the kingdom of France, Picardy in particular. We captured many towns and castles in the diocese of Beauvais and the diocese of Amiens. We were lords of the fields and rivers in those days, and all of us made

58. Translation of Book III (225 r) 3-23 [ name: place ]

o lay siege to Rheims. There he sent for the Captal, my master, who at that time was at Clermont in Beauvaisis continuing the war on his own account throughout the entire area. We joined the king and his childr

59. Translation of Book I (135 v) 1-271 [ name: place ]

her in orderly fashion, gathered up their baggage and rode as they had done before into the land of Beauvaisis. Nothing dismayed them, now that they knew they were on the other side of the river Somme. The king

60. Translation of Book I (141 r) 1-285 [ name: place ]

to find out whether any Frenchmen had reassembled. That Sunday morning the communities of Rouen and Beauvais had departed Abbeville and Saint-Riquier, knowing nothing of the defeat. Much to their misfortune,