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11. Besançon 865 (206 v) 3-6 [ rs: place ]

Je le vous diray, dist messire Espaeng de Lyon. A celle heure que la ville de Ortingas fu prinse estoit a sa male aventure le chastellain en la ville, et souppoit avecques marchans de

12. Besançon 865 (206 v) 3-6 [ rs: place ]

. A celle heure que la ville de Ortingas fu prinse estoit a sa male aventure le chastellain en la ville, et souppoit avecques marchans de Carcassonne, si que il fu la prins; et l’endemain au matin a heur

13. Besançon 865 (206 v) 3-6 [ name: place ]

Fois ou de Berne ilz delivrerent, eulz et le leur, et sans dommaige. Et tint depuis Pierre d’Auchin Ortingas bien cinq ans; et couroient il et ses gens bien souvent jusques aux portes de Carcassonne, ou il

14. Besançon 865 (213 r) 3-11 [ name: place ]

Du temps que Pierre d’Auchin tenoit le chastel et la garnison d’Ortingas, si comme je vous ay compté paravant, chevauchoient ceulz de Lourde aucune fois a l’aventure moult

15. Translation of Book III (205 r) 3-6 [ name: place ]

r 6 [1369-1388-(1383)] How the garrison of Lourdes assailed the land of Bigorre, and the capture of Artigat. I, master Jehan Froissart, make mention of these affairs for the reason that, when I was in the co

16. Translation of Book III (206 r) 3-6 [ rs: place ]

we crossed the mountain of Escosse which is arduous and difficult to scale. We passed close by the town and castle of Artigat, which belongs to the king of France, but did not enter it. We went instead to dine at a castle bel

17. Translation of Book III (206 r) 3-6 [ name: place ]

e with the masters and their wives.' 'At the stroke of midnight Pierre d'Antin and his band reached Artigat. They hid themselves and their horses in the wood we passed through just now, and sent six varlets

18. Translation of Book III (206 v) 3-6 [ name: place ]

d into the town. They captured all the townsmen who were sat at table or in their beds. This is how Artigat was captured by Pierre d'Antin of Bigorre and his companions from Lourdes.'I then asked the knight,

19. Translation of Book III (206 v) 3-6 [ name: place ]

night, 'How did they gain the castle?' 'I will tell you,' said Sir Espan de Lyon. 'When the town of Artigat was seized, the castle governor was in town, unfortunately for him. He was taking his evening meal

20. Translation of Book III (206 v) 3-6 [ rs: place ]

essions and went to Pamiers where they are to be found today. That is how Pierre d'Antin seized the town and castle of Artigat and I can tell you that when they entered the place, he and his companions gained thirty thousand f