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11. Translation of Book III (207 v) 3-7 [ rs: place ]

eplied, 'and it was arms which killed him, at a place we shall pass in three days' time, called the Pas de l'Arrêt in Bigorre, below a town named Cieutat.' 'I will remind you of it when we reach that spot,' said I

12. Translation of Book III (212 v) 3-10 [ rs: place ]

the lands of the lord of Barbazan, quite close by a castle called Mascaras, at the entrance of the Pas de l'Arrêt. The knight said to me, 'Master Jehan, this is the Pas de l'Arrêt.'

13. Translation of Book III (212 v) 3-10 [ rs: place ]

Mascaras, at the entrance of the Pas de l'Arrêt. The knight said to me, 'Master Jehan, this is the Pas de l'Arrêt.' I looked at the country round about me. It seemed very strange to me, and I would have imagined m

14. Translation of Book III (212 v) 3-10 [ rs: place ]

or the knight's company. Then I recalled what he had said to me two or three days earlier about the Pas de l'Arrêt and the Mongat de Lourdes. So I reminded him of this, saying, 'My lord, the day before yesterday yo

15. Translation of Book III (212 v) 3-10 [ rs: place ]

ded him of this, saying, 'My lord, the day before yesterday you told me that when we arrived at the Pas de l'Arrêt, you would tell me all about the Mongat de Lourdes and how he died.' 'Indeed I did,' said the knigh

16. Translation of Book III (213 r) 3-11 [ rs: place ]

will ride in battle formation over the high peaks and make it seem as if they are returning by the Pas de l'Arrêt below Mascaras, but instead they will fall back between Barbazan and Montgaillard. If we can safely

17. Translation of Book III (213 v) 3-11 [ name: place ]

ther division took to the fields. The two parties met at the pass we are riding through now, called l'Arrêt. As soon as they saw one another, they promptly dismounted and let their horses go off to graze. Th

18. Translation of Book III (214 v) 3-12 [ rs: place ]

courteously ransomed even so, and mutually exchanged on both sides, for those who had fought at the Pas de l'Arrêt let some of their prisoners go on assurances that they would pay up in due course, so it was in the

19. Translation of Book III (215 r) 3-13 [ rs: place ]

d me, and the road seemed much too short. As he was relating such adventures, we passed through the Pas de l'Arrêt, leaving behind the castle of Mascaras where the battle was fought, and coming very close to the ca

20. Prospography Content: Pas de l'Arrêt (place)

Pas de l'Arrêt Pas de l'Arrêt, close to Mascaras, in the canton of Tournay, in the département of the Hautes-Pyrénées.