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Research Funders | Practical Checklist

  1. Have you mapped relevant international policies for open access to research data?
  2. Have you involved stakeholders and the research community in developing the policy?
  3. Have you assessed the available infrastructures that are necessary for the implementation of your policy?
  4. Have you estimated the costs for data management and preservation?
  5. Does your policy include statements on:
  6. Do you require grant applicants to offer information regarding data management at the application stage?
  7. Do you include open access to research data as a clause in your grant agreements?
  8. Do you offer guidance to researchers in your website and otherwise to enable them to comply with your policy?
  9. Have you made provisions to provide incentives to researchers for making their research data open?
  10. Have you established a monitoring and compliance mechanism?
  11. Have you decided how and when to evaluate the efficacy of your policy?