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Research Institutions | Policy Content

A policy should address the following issues:

  1. Open access as default. The policy should set open access for research data as the default requirement and provide appropriate support and funding (e.g. expenses for storage). Such policy should be mandatory and not voluntary. The possibility for closed data should be accommodated when ethical, copyright, confidentiality, security and similar issues are demonstrably of key concern.
  2. Responsibilities. The policy should define in a clear way the responsibilities of the institution and its researchers. Researchers carry the obligation to manage their research data according to specific standards and the institution assuming the responsibility of providing the necessary services (infrastructure, training etc.).
  3. Locus of deposit. The policy should specify that data are to be deposited in the institutional repository. In the case of absence of an institutional repository the related policy should provide guidance on deposit in trusted repositories (list of trusted repositories or criteria that researchers can use for selecting the appropriate repository).
  4. Time of deposit. The policy should require data supporting publications to be made open ideally at the latest at the same time with the publications and link to it, while other data by the end of the project.
  5. Licensing. The policy should require that research data is accompanied by licensing describing the terms of use, such as Creative Commons licenses. Preferably licensing information should be machine-actionable.