to be a Sort of coarse Marble, of a blackish Colour, and cut into several plain Sides, but irregular. From whence, saith Dr. Crew, they may be argued to be very ancient. These were given by Sir Joseph Williamson to the Museum in Gresham College.

Museum Reg. Societat.

In Mark Lane a strange Brick was found 40 Years before, or better, about 28 Foot deep in the Ground, by Mr. Stockley, while he was digging a Foundation and Cellars for an House which he built for Mr. Woolly. On this Brick was formed Sampson (as I had it from J. Bagford) with the Jaw Bone of an Ass in his right Hand, and his left Hand lifted up; with two Foxes before him, running together, with Firebrands at their Tails; scaring them into high standing Corn hard by. This, methinks, might have belonged to the House of some Jew dwelling thereabouts; signifying his Malice to some neighbouring Christian Merchant that dealt in Corn. For 'tis remarkable, that near this Place where this Brick was found, was also digged up burnt Wheat, to the Quantity of many Quarters; very black, but yet sound: Probably it was some Granary consumed by Fire.

In Mark Lane a strange Brick found. And burnt Corn.

J. Bagford.

But take what the said Mr. Bagford hath since writ in his Letter to Mr. Hearn at Oxford: That this Brick was of Roman Make, of a curious red Clay, and in Bass relief; and was a Key Brick to the Arch: And the burnt Wheat was conjectured to have lain buried ever since the burning of the City 800 Years before. And that it is preserved in the Museum belonging to the Royal Society in Fleet-street. And that Mr. Waller's Conjecture of it was, that it had been made and set there by some Jew, settling here, in the Arch of his own Granary.

A Piece of Mosaic Work found deep under Ground in Holborn, near St. Andrew's Church, inlaid with black, white and Red Stones in Squares, and other regular Figures. In the abovesaid Museum.

In Holborn.

A Piece of Mosaic Work.

In digging for the Foundations of St. Paul's Cathedral at the West End since the Fire, was found Variety of Roman sacrificing Vessels, whereof a great Quantity of the Fragments were digged up. They were made of a curious red Earth; the Glazing of them still remains, which is curious. They are of divers Shapes and Sizes, as Occasion should require them to be made Use of in their Sacrifices. And in many, the Potter's Name was stamped at the Bottom. Some of these Mr. Bagford, a Citizen of London, studious of Antiquities, and especially of such as relate to the said City, took up with his own Hands. Farther, on the South Side of the said West End was found a Potter's Kiln, the Shape of which was circular. In this the abovesaid sacrificing Vessels probably were made. It was near to the Temple where Diana was worshipped, for the more Convenience of the People that came thither to sacrifice; that they might be furnished with all Sorts of Vessels they had Occasion for, at the Time when they made their Sacrifices. And likwise thereabouts were found several Moulds of Earth, some exhibiting Figures of Men, of Lions, of Leaves of Trees, and other Things. These were used to make Impression of those Things upon the Vessels. These Moulds are also among the forementioned curious Collections of Dr. Woodward. The Representation of the foresaid Pottery, drawn with a Pen, is in the Possession of Sir Hans Sloan, Bart. M.D. of the Royal Society, with a Description of it added.

In St. Paul's.

Divers Sacrificing Vessels.

J. Bagford.

Sir Hans Sloan, Bart.

Also, at the South Side of St. Paul's Church, at the Beginning to build it after the Fire, were found several Scalps of Oxen, and a large Quantity of Boars Tusks, with divers earthen Vessels, especially Pateræ of different Shapes.

In Canning-street, nigh Bush Lane, was found pretty deep in the Earth, a large Pavement of Roman Mosaic Work. Dr. Hook gave a Piece of it to the Repository in Gresham College.

In Canning-street.

A Roman Pavement.

In Goodman's Fields, without Aldgate, was a Roman Burying Place. For, since the Buildings there, about 1678, have been found there (in digging for Foundations) vast Quantities of Urns and other Roman Utensils, as Knives Combs, &c. which are likwise in the Possession of Dr. Woodward. Some of these Urns had Ashes of Bones of the Dead in them, and Brass and Silver Money: And an unusual Urn of Copper, curiously enamelled in Colours, Red, Blue, and Yellow.

In Goodman's Fields.

A Roman Burying Place.

In Kent-street, all along the Gardens on the right Hand Side of the Road going out of Town, have been digged up several Roman Vessels, as Urns, Ampullæ, and other Things; and among the rest, an Head of Janus, cut in Stone, that is still preserved, being placed over the Door at the Entry of one of those Gardiners Houses. Money was offered for this Janus Head, but it would not be taken; being kept superstitiously, as tho' it were found by Revelation in a Dream; a Woman, about the Time it was found, dreaming she was brought to Bed of a Child with two Faces.

In Kent-street.

Roman Vessels.

Janus Head.

At Peckham was a very large Urn of Glass digged up in the Highway, which is now in Gresham College. For these last Accounts I am beholden to my Friend, the abovesaid Mr. Bagford, late deceased in the Charter House, having been a Brother there.

At Peckham.

A Glass Urn.

In April, in the Year 1707, divers Roman Antiquities were found in digging by the Wall near Bishopsgate within. Mr. Jospeh Miller, an Apothecary, living very near the Place, while the Labourers were digging for Foundations and Cellars, for some new Houses to be built in Camomile-street, did first discover several of these Antiquities; which he communicated to Dr. John Woodward of Gresham College aforesaid: Who, according to his wonted Exactness, gave this Narration of them in a Letter to Sir Christpher Wren, which he courteously let me peruse. "About four Foot under Ground was discovered a Pavement, consisting of diced Bricks, the most red, but some black, and others yellow; each somewhat above an Inch in Thickness. The Extent of the Pavement in Length was uncertain, it running from Bishopsgate for sixty Foot, quite under the Foundation of some Houses not yet pulled down. Its Bredth was about ten Foot, terminating on that Side, at the Distance of three Foot and an Half from the Wall. Sinking downwards under the Pavement, only Rubbish occurred for about two Foot, and then the Workmen came to a Stratum of Clay in its natural State. In which, at the Depth of three Foot more were found several Urns. Some of them were become so tender and rotten, that they easily crumbled and fell to Pieces. As for those that had the Fortune better to escape the Injuries of Time, and the Strokes of the Workmen, they were of different Forms; but all of very handsome Make and Contrivance, as, indeed, most of the Roman Vessels we find ever are. Which is but one of the many Instances that are at this Day extant of the Art of that People, of the great Exactness of their Genius, and Happiness of their Fancy. These Urns were of various Magnitudes; the largest capable of holding three full Gallons, the least somewhat above a Quart. All these had in them Ashes and Cinders of burnt Bones."

Roman Vessels, &c. found at Bishopsgate.

Dr. Woodward's Letter to Sir Chr. Wren.
